(no subject)

Oct 01, 2004 14:14

x Blueman Mike x: *knocks*
Luna Lovegood 52: *brow furrows* *looks around* Terry didn't forget anything, did he? And he's got to go...*shrugs, walking over to answer the door, thinking it's Terry, only wearing his shirt*
x Blueman Mike x: *leaning on the doorframe with a smirk* Love.
Luna Lovegood 52: *eyes widen* Mike? *suddenly very aware of wearing ONLY Terry's shirt* What...why're you here? Did someone die?
x Blueman Mike x: *surveys her attire* Whaddaya say to a pizza and a shag?
Luna Lovegood 52: *starts to shut the door in his face, grunting as he holds it open with one hand* *looks up at him, angry* What do you want, Mike?
x Blueman Mike x: *pushes through the door, pressing a box of pizza into her hands* What? You don't like pizza?
Luna Lovegood 52: *catches the pizza* I'm not hungry, Mike...
x Blueman Mike x: Come on... *walks to the sofa and collapses on it* it's your favorite.
Luna Lovegood 52: *catches a whiff of the pizza, making a face* I don't think so...*peeks into the box, wrinkling her nose* Definitely not...*walks over, dropping the pizza on his lap* You eat the crap.
x Blueman Mike x: *smiles* Oh, my favorite. Nevermind. *opens the box*
Luna Lovegood 52: *rolls eyes* Mike, you idiot. You need a table? Is that why you're here? *puts hands on her hips* Or did you come to ogle?
x Blueman Mike x: *kicks his feet up on the table* I came... *shoves a piece of pizza into his mouth, continuing on while chewing* ta vishit a gud frien. Jeshush Luna.
Luna Lovegood 52: You're disgusting. How does Susan put up with you? Look, while you're stuffing your face, I'm going to be right back, alright? Or would you be insulted if I left your presence for ten seconds?
x Blueman Mike x: *waves her off* Go on. *feels around on the sofa cushion beside him* Where's the bloody remote? *looks down, the pepperoni and feta almost sliding off onto the sofa* Don't tell me you kids use your bloody wands...
Luna Lovegood 52: Woah! Watch your stuff! I just cleaned...*gives him a look* Is it safe to leave you here alone?
x Blueman Mike x: *looks up at her with a stupid grin* You know I'm allowed to carry a loaded gun don't cha?
Luna Lovegood 52: Eat your pizza over the box, please, or I'll load a gun up your arse.
x Blueman Mike x: *furrows brow, pulling the box up further on his lap* Temper.
Luna Lovegood 52: I just cleaned. And I don't feel like doing it again, alright?
x Blueman Mike x: *mutters as she heads towards her room* Bet you don't say that to Boot....
Luna Lovegood 52: *shoots a look back as she hears him mutter, but not what he said* *goes to her room to put on some pants*
x Blueman Mike x: *re-situates himself on the sofa, his foot accidentally hitting the remote on the table and turning on the tv* Ah, nice. *calls back* Hey, Love, hurry your sweet ass out here. That reality show's on.
Luna Lovegood 52: *comes back out to the living room, putting her hair up in a bun* What are you talking about? What show?
x Blueman Mike x: *points towards the tv with a slice of pizza* The one with the dumbasses. You know, and the chick. *glances up at her, assessing her new outfit* What're the pants for?
Luna Lovegood 52: To cover my bottom portion. Sorry, Mike, not up to doing it on the couch with you again.
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a face, picking up his legs as she forces herself between him and the table to sit down* Ha. Ha. Lovegood. You're not funny.
Luna Lovegood 52: *sits beside him on the sofa, drawing her legs up to sit indian style* I don't know, I thought it was pretty good...
x Blueman Mike x: *glances at her shirt then back at the tv* *takes a bite of pizza* Nice shirt.
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks down at her shirt then back at the tv, smiling slightly* Thanks...it's really comfortable. Everyone should have one. Not...exactly like this...but a comfortable shirt.
x Blueman Mike x: *scoffs, tossing a piece of crust into the box* Yeah, I got one, Love.
Luna Lovegood 52: Yeah? That's good. You've filled your comfortable shirt quota then. Always good. *clears throat*
x Blueman Mike x: *looks at her*
Luna Lovegood 52: *shifts on the couch, feeling his eyes on her* *looks over at him* What? Do I have something on my cheek?
x Blueman Mike x: Where'd you get it? I mean, last I was there they only people who had 'em were people who actually played on the team.
Luna Lovegood 52: Well...well, I just...I was doing laundry. For Terry. And...I borrowed it. He hardly ever wears it...and he let me...borrow it, you know...
x Blueman Mike x: *lifts his chin, eyeing her* I see. *turns back to his pizza* Nice of you. *picks up a piece and continues eating* And him.
Luna Lovegood 52: *lets out a breath, watching the show but not really seeing it* Yeah...he's nice...
x Blueman Mike x: Surprised you two lasted this long. *motions randomly as he stuffs the rest of the slice into his mouth* Thif mootual... fren... stuff.
Luna Lovegood 52: *avoids looking at him* Right, well, we uh...we just...it's not all that hard...
x Blueman Mike x: *snorts and mumbles through a full mouth* Bet it is... *moves the pizza box suddenly to her lap and gets up* *swallows* Can I get a drink?
Luna Lovegood 52: *makes a face at the pizza* Yeah, sure...in the fridge, or water...if you want...
x Blueman Mike x: *goes to the kitchen and roots around in the fridge* Can I have this lager? The one behind the romantic dinner leftovers? *straightens* Also known as cat...
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks up at him* Cat? Is Snuffins in the fridge?
x Blueman Mike x: *closes the door, opening the beer, giving her a look* No. Nevermind. *wanders back out to the living room, stopping behind her on the sofa, taking a drink*
Luna Lovegood 52: Can you get your stink fest out of here? *holds the box up at him*
x Blueman Mike x: *takes the box from her reluctantly* *sighs* Luna. Woman. I'll have you know Ledo's has the best pie in town.
Luna Lovegood 52: Whatever, I just don't want it in my lap anymore. Go feed it to Susan or something.
x Blueman Mike x: Susan's working tonight. *tosses it on the high top kitchen counter and then hops over the back of the sofa, sliding down obnoxiously close to her* So let's chat.
Luna Lovegood 52: *tries to scoot away from him a bit, but not too obviously* Chat? About what?
x Blueman Mike x: *looks at her, uncomfortably close* Changes. *angles the beer towards her, offering her a drink*
Luna Lovegood 52: *shakes head, declining his offer* Changes in...? Are you...uh...you getting a new job or something?
x Blueman Mike x: No. *takes a drink* Luna, I'm being about as subtle as a fucking Norwegian Ridgeback here.
Luna Lovegood 52: *tries to change the subject* I like dragons. Doesn't Susan have a thing for dragons?
x Blueman Mike x: *turns to her* Don't you have a thing for vet techs?
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks up at him, wide eyed* I...uh...what? I don't know...dragons...we were talking about dragons...*weakly* remember?
x Blueman Mike x: *stares back in her eyes* Grand. Now let's talk about you. And. Boot.
Luna Lovegood 52: What about Terry and I? We're roommates. It's simple, really.
x Blueman Mike x: *rests back against the sofa* Oh. *nonchalantly* So the sex isn't fucking anything up with the flat situation then, that's cool.
Luna Lovegood 52: *coughs* S-sex?
x Blueman Mike x: *scoots forward on the sofa* Oh, well ya see... when a guy and a chick are hot for each other, they kiss and do stuff. Typically, there's no clothing involved and typi-
Luna Lovegood 52: *smacks his arm* I know what sex is, dumbass.
x Blueman Mike x: *raises a hand in defense* Okay.. Jesus. You just stuttered there for a minute like your boyfriend.
Luna Lovegood 52: *automatically* He's not my boyfriend. *brow furrows* Well...*frowns slightly* He might be...
x Blueman Mike x: *points his bottle at her* Ha! Admit it. I know you two were up all night. And it wasn't cleaning house.
Luna Lovegood 52: We weren't up all night. So *sticks tongue out at him*
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a face back at her* Bet Boot was.
Luna Lovegood 52: He was not, he was asleep for most of it. The night, that is.
x Blueman Mike x: I wasn't talking about sleep. *glares at her* Anyway. Tell me.
Luna Lovegood 52: Tell you...what? Seems you already know most of it.
x Blueman Mike x: *scoffs* Hardly any! And frankly, I don't appreciate my having to drag it out of the two of you.
Luna Lovegood 52: I don't know what you want to know! We slept together! That's it!
x Blueman Mike x: *relaxes back and takes a drink* I'd like to know *counts off on his fingers* why, where and the overall tally. *motions condescendingly at her* Whenever you're ready. Please.
Luna Lovegood 52: *scowls* Why? Why do you care? Need new masturbation material?
x Blueman Mike x: *wrinkles nose* Uh, Boot? No. And Susan keeps me plenty busy. You wanna know what she had on last night?
Luna Lovegood 52: Nothing, I assume.
x Blueman Mike x: Wrong, but I'll have to pick that up for her on my way home.
Luna Lovegood 52: *rolls eyes* Whatever. The question remains why you care.
x Blueman Mike x: Why I care? I dunno, only because it took ME playing ref all these years to get you two to own up to loving instead of fighting and being all bloody awkward around each other. *taps his chest, leaning towards her* Me.
Luna Lovegood 52: So that's why you want details on how much we've done it so far?
x Blueman Mike x: *shrugs* Well no. That's just morbid curiosity. But I DO think I should've been alerted. Perhaps asked to give you away at the wedding...
Luna Lovegood 52: *smiles slightly* There's no wedding in the works, Mike, don't jump ahead there...
x Blueman Mike x: Then thanks is all I ask. I accept gifts in the forms of cash and alcohol.
Luna Lovegood 52: You have the alcohol in your hand.
x Blueman Mike x: *rolls eyes* No... I had to get this myself. That's no fun. Plus I brought you pizza.
Luna Lovegood 52: I don't like this kind of pizza, doesn't count.
x Blueman Mike x: *smirks* You should.
Luna Lovegood 52: You should learn to mind your own business, doesn't mean you're going to.
x Blueman Mike x: I'm sick of my own business.
Luna Lovegood 52: *Sigh* Fine. Nosy bastard. Alright, so, it started yesterday. We got in a fight, he left, I was packing to leave, then he came back and...*Shrugs*
x Blueman Mike x: And... *cocks an eyebrow* decided that Mike's been right all along and made rough and tumble Boot love to you?
Luna Lovegood 52: *smiles slightly* He apologized for you after the first time. We decided that you're from Mars.
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a face* What?
Luna Lovegood 52: Well, it came up....somehow...that you were weird. Or I was weird. And Terry thinks you're weirder than I.
x Blueman Mike x: Oh thanks. Hell, no one's as weird as you two put together. I'll take Mars over this flat any goddamn day.
Luna Lovegood 52: *rolls eyes* Is the world done revolving around you?
x Blueman Mike x: *smirks* I am your bloody sun aren't I? Or oh wait, that's Boot now.
Luna Lovegood 52: My world doesn't revolve around Terry, thank you.
x Blueman Mike x: *snorts*
Luna Lovegood 52: It doesn't!
x Blueman Mike x: *teasingly pulls at her sleeve* Shirt ain't that comfy.
Luna Lovegood 52: *smacks at his hand* Is so, hands off.
x Blueman Mike x: Ahh Luna! *grins and puts his bottle down on the table*
Luna Lovegood 52: *glares at him*
x Blueman Mike x: *turns back to her with outstretched arms* No glaring. Gimme my love. *tackles her back into the sofa with a hug*
Luna Lovegood 52: *laughs* Mike! What are you doing? *pushes against him, still laughing* You're a nut!
x Blueman Mike x: *laughs with her, pinning her against the arm rest* Well Jesus, Luna Lovegood wouldn't be laughing would she? She's always so.. *makes a face, mocking her* get out of my face, Mike. Why are you here, Mike? Can you stop breathing, Mike?
Luna Lovegood 52: *hits his chest* I don't sound like that! Get off!
x Blueman Mike x: You do. It's grating. And frankly, *feigns serious thought, rising back on his knees off of her* it hurts.
Luna Lovegood 52: *fakes surprise* You can feel?
x Blueman Mike x: *jaw drops open slightly* That's it. I'll owl Boot to pick you up in the emergency ward. *grabs her legs and starts pushing her over the arm rest, off the sofa*
Luna Lovegood 52: Hey! No! *grabs his arms, holding tight* If I'm going, you're coming with me!
x Blueman Mike x: *smirks at her* Don't fight it, it'll only hurt more. *pushes her over to the edge then looks up suddenly* Oh, hey Ter.
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks up suddenly, eyes wide, grip on his arms loosening* Huh?
x Blueman Mike x: *dumps her over the side* Oh, nevermind. It was just a moth. *lays down on the sofa, stretching out on his back* Hey, another beer while you're up?
Luna Lovegood 52: *makes an indignant sound, sitting on the floor for a minute* I can't believe you! *gets up, smacking his forehead as she walks by him* Some friend you are!
x Blueman Mike x: *brings his hand to his head quickly* Ow! *rubs his forehead* Save it for the bedroom.
Luna Lovegood 52: *scowls* Just because you're into that kind of stuff does not mean that everyone is. Thank you. Speaking of *sits in a chair, not getting him a beer* Did you ever learn to cover your bite marks?
x Blueman Mike x: *raises his eyes to her, then focuses on reaching the remote* You're just so proud of yourself aren't you? *mutters, flipping through channels* Simple little spell my ass...
Luna Lovegood 52: *smirks* I'll take that as a no. And you call yourself a Ravenclaw. I bet Susie's daddy loves you showing up with those...
x Blueman Mike x: Whatever. Susan knows a spell. *frowns* It's just when she's already left for work... *trails off, glaring at the tv*
Luna Lovegood 52: *grins* I bet your boss likes that too...perhaps you should invest in some muggle makeup...*mimes him patting make up on his neck, holding up a mirror*
x Blueman Mike x: *scowls, grabbing a magazine from the table and tossing it at her* You
should invest in a fuckin' muzzle.
Luna Lovegood 52: *bats the magazine away, laughing* I can't help your ineptitude with a wand. I still can't believe they trust you with one of those things in public.
x Blueman Mike x: *glares at her, not too seriously* Some of us norms spent their summers playing ball instead of bloody dungeons and dragons.
Luna Lovegood 52: I didn't play in dungeons with dragons! Can you even fit a dragon into a dungeon? Who builds a dungeon that big?
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a face* What? It's a- nevermind. American culture is lost on you people.
Luna Lovegood 52: Anyway, I was merely trying to make a suggestion to a friend, if that's a problem...*shrugs, leaning back in the chair* Perhaps it's time we reconsider our relationship, Mike.
x Blueman Mike x: *yawns and goes back to watching tv* You know how I feel about that word.
Luna Lovegood 52: Which? Time?
x Blueman Mike x: *pauses a moment, eyebrow arching then lets out a laugh*
Luna Lovegood 52: No, Mike, we've not discussed your *makes air quotes* "feelings" about the word 'time'. Is there something you want to share?
x Blueman Mike x: *laughs a little harder, putting the remote down when he finds an American baseball game*
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks at the game, brow furrowing as the batter swings and misses* Why are they trying to hit that ball? What'd the ball do to them?
x Blueman Mike x: Huh?
Luna Lovegood 52: The ball...the...the thing on the telly...why're they trying to hit that poor ball...it just wants to lay there...
x Blueman Mike x: *looks at her* That's what it's for. To throw and hit. It's not magic.
Luna Lovegood 52: Well, what'd it do to deserve getting hit?
x Blueman Mike x: *turns back to the tv* It asked too many dumb questions.
Luna Lovegood 52: Oh. But I thought you said it wasn't magic.
x Blueman Mike x: *eyes widen as a player hits a home run* Fuck yes!
Luna Lovegood 52: What? What happened? *stares at the screen, confused, as the player runs around the diamond* Why's he running? Is the ball going to come back and get him?
x Blueman Mike x: *ignoring her* The A's are gonna kick their ass. Fucking Yankees. Bunch of
dirty, money-grubbing asswipes...
Luna Lovegood 52: But you're a Yankee...
x Blueman Mike x: *glances back at her* That's just a stupid term. And anyway, I'm not a fan.
Luna Lovegood 52: What is this mess anyway? You're worse than those blokes across the way with their...ball whatever...at least they try to explain it.
x Blueman Mike x: *cocks an eyebrow* What about your neighbors' balls?
Luna Lovegood 52: Nick and um...Josh...they play some sort of game in the mud. Terry has fun with it sometimes...comes home and I have to fix up all kinds of scrapes and bruises, but he's grinning and going on about something....
x Blueman Mike x: *shakes his head* British shit. Like football only without a goddamn system. Or class.
Luna Lovegood 52: *frowns* I thought football was something else...with the black and white ball...and the head butting...goals...
x Blueman Mike x: *sighs heavily* Yes, but that's soccer. In the states, I mean. It's all a fuckin' mess, so nevermind any of that. *points at the tv* We want the Yanks to lose. The navy guys.
Luna Lovegood 52: Okay...so we want...the green ones to win…
x Blueman Mike x: *focused on the tv* Yeah. *distracted* ....that's the A's...
Luna Lovegood 52: And how do they win?
x Blueman Mike x: Score more runs.
Luna Lovegood 52: Oh...*frowns, still confused* Well...alright...
x Blueman Mike x: *pays no attention, eyes glued to the tv*
Luna Lovegood 52: *leans forward slowly, keeping her eye on him, reaching out for the remote*
x Blueman Mike x: *doesn't see her until the last moment* Don't! *shoots his hand out for it as she snatches it up*
Luna Lovegood 52: HA! *changes the channel, triumphant grin on her face*
x Blueman Mike x: *gets up on an elbow, turning to her* Luna! *growls* Turn it back.
Luna Lovegood 52: *holds the remote close, flipping the channels, not looking at him* Or what?
x Blueman Mike x: *scowls* Or instead of the emergency ward he'll have to go collect you from the morgue.
Luna Lovegood 52: *smiles sweetly* Come now, no need for threats...it is my flat...
x Blueman Mike x: *falls back to the sofa heavily, pouting* Luna. *huffs* You've been home all bloody day. *eyes widen as she flips to a dating show* No! No, we are NOT watching this.
Luna Lovegood 52: Why not? They're interesting. Besides, you could get some tips on manners...*settles back in the chair, holding the remote*
x Blueman Mike x: *gets up wearily to get his pizza from the kitchen* I can get this abuse at home. *comes back and lies on the couch again, resting the box on his chest*
Luna Lovegood 52: *eyes on the telly* And you don't go there because....?
x Blueman Mike x: Because I don't want you to think I don't love you anymore. *picks at the pizza*
Luna Lovegood 52: I really won't think that if you leave. I promise. Really.
x Blueman Mike x: Bite me. And change the channel.
Luna Lovegood 52: *sighs, flipping the channel again, settling on cartoons* Oh, I like this one...
x Blueman Mike x: *watches for a few minutes before remembering the game* Wait, no, come on...baseball.
Luna Lovegood 52: No thanks...*keeps it on the cartoon*
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a disgusted sound* Luna. *takes a bite of cold pizza* When's loverboy get home so he can set you straight?
Luna Lovegood 52: And just what is "lover boy" going to set me straight about? Who I should let in the door?
x Blueman Mike x: *mouth full* Abouf being curveous to your guess...
Luna Lovegood 52: Well, guests should know if they've overstayed their welcome.
x Blueman Mike x: *shrugs* Probly should...
Luna Lovegood 52: *rolls eyes* Way to pick up the hint, smarty...*changes the channel as a commercial comes up*
x Blueman Mike x: *swallows* Luna, I swear to fucking God, you're killin' me, doll.
Luna Lovegood 52: Am I? I bet I could drag your body out...*stops on a Home Improvement show*

x Blueman Mike x: Go bake a cake or somethin'.
Luna Lovegood 52: What's that supposed to mean? You go bake a cake, I'm watching a show...
x Blueman Mike x: You're flipping to piss me off. I wanna see the score. Go do girl stuff if you're gonna be so indecisive.
Luna Lovegood 52: Girl stuff? Girls can't watch the telly? Go home if you want to know so damn badly. I can't help that Susan's not as interesting as me.
x Blueman Mike x: *louder* Susan... is at work. Do you listen to anything I say?
Luna Lovegood 52: Oh, so she's more interesting than me? I see how it is...*starts flipping again*
x Blueman Mike x: Only incredibly. *watches the tv, bored* Is that your cat crying?
Luna Lovegood 52: No, it's your eyes. *flips faster*
x Blueman Mike x: You're a dope. Fine, Boot'll be pissed you starved his cat though.
Luna Lovegood 52: I didn't starve Snuffins, she's not even crying. I don't know what you're talking about.
x Blueman Mike x: *groans, dropping his head back on the arm rest* I just want you to put the fucking game on.
Luna Lovegood 52: Stop whining, Mike, it's not very becoming...
x Blueman Mike x: It's becoming hostile.
Luna Lovegood 52: Ugh. You're worse than a girl. *throws the remote at him, standing* Watch whatever you want, I'm going to my room...
x Blueman Mike x: *shields his face* Hey. Watch the pizza. Christ.
Luna Lovegood 52: *scowls at him as she stands, going to her room*
x Blueman Mike x: *picks the remote up from the floor and changes the channel back to the game* *to no one* Ahh, fuck the Yankees scored... great.
Luna Lovegood 52: *sulking in her room*
Ur FaveRaven: *comes in the door moments later, noticing the tv on* *tiredly* Hey. *turns to put his keys on the rack*
Luna Lovegood 52: *takes her hair down, dividing it into two parts, starting to braid one*
x Blueman Mike x: *raises his eyes up, though he can't see the door* Honey, you're home.
Ur FaveRaven: *furrows brow, turning back to the living room* Mike? *looks down at the sofa*
x Blueman Mike x: *grins up at him, ripping a piece of crust in half with his teeth* Miss me?
Ur FaveRaven: *frowns* Not particularly. Wh-what are you doing?
Luna Lovegood 52: *braids her hair*
x Blueman Mike x: Eating.
Ur FaveRaven: Don't you have a home?
x Blueman Mike x: I do. *holds up the box* Pizza?
Luna Lovegood 52: *braids the other pigtail*
Ur FaveRaven: *takes a piece of pizza from him and glances around* Where's uh...?
x Blueman Mike x: *chews* Luna? Bedroom. She could possibly have gotten tired of me. *turns back to the tv*
Luna Lovegood 52: *stands, going through her drawers, rearranging her clothes*
Ur FaveRaven: *looks towards the bedroom* What? *sighs* Oh, gods... wh-what'd you do? Were you bothering her about.. *quieter* well... what I-
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a face* Give it a rest. You guys are so fucking secretive about this whole thing. I've every right to know. *shrugs* Plus I brought pizza.
Ur FaveRaven: *rolls eyes and takes a bite of the pizza, tossing it back in the box before heading to her bedroom* Luna?
x Blueman Mike x: Hey!
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks up and smiles* Hey, Terry...*looks at her watch* You're a little early...not that I'm complaining...we've got company...I don't know if it'll come out of the couch.
Ur FaveRaven: *leans an arm up in her doorway* Sorry. You alright?
Luna Lovegood 52: Me? I'm fine...you look beat...I didn't start dinner yet, but I will...I hope Mike didn't try to get you to eat that pizza stuff he brought *makes a face*
Ur FaveRaven: *shakes his head* Y-you don't have to make dinner. I'll eat whatever. *gives her a tired smile*
Luna Lovegood 52: *walks over to him, putting a hand on his arm* I said I'd make you something...it won't be much, but I'll get something warm in your belly before you pass out....
Ur FaveRaven: *laughs softly* Yeah alright. Thanks. *kisses her forehead* I'll go work on that stain.
Luna Lovegood 52: Thanks...*peeks out to see Mike staring at them over the arm of the sofa* I think it might be alive...
x Blueman Mike x: *grins at her* Hey Love. Yankees are winning.
Ur FaveRaven: *looks at Luna* He made you watch baseball?
Luna Lovegood 52: He made me watch something. Blue and Green. And apparantly blue is bad. *looks at Mike* I'd make a comment about you being a Ravenclaw and not liking blue, but you probably didn't make the connection anyway...
x Blueman Mike x: *calls back, turning back to the tv* It's all a muddy rainbow to me, doll.
Ur FaveRaven: *fingers one of her braids* He's about to leave. Don't worry.
Luna Lovegood 52: Think anyone would take him if we put him in a box by the street with a sign that said "Free to good home"? Or "Free to any home. Really. Take him. Please." with a twenty pound note tied to his nose?
Ur FaveRaven: *laughs, taking her hand and leading her out of the bedroom* I suppose Susan might.
x Blueman Mike x: I'm not deaf you know.
Luna Lovegood 52: It would have been wasted had you not heard it. Maybe if we scruff him up some, make him look pitiful.
Ur FaveRaven: *laughs, taking her hand and leading her out of the
bedroom* I suppose Susan might.
x Blueman Mike x: I'm not deaf you know.
Luna Lovegood 52: It would have been wasted had you not heard it. Maybe if we scruff him up some, make him look pitiful.
x Blueman Mike x: *not turning around* You know what, Luna? I'm beginning to think you don't want me here.
Ur FaveRaven: *sighs* You two fight like siblings...
Luna Lovegood 52: *to Mike* Really? You caught that vibe? I've only
been sending it for twenty minutes or more. *to Terry* And no we don't. We fight like he's a dumbass. Which he is.
Ur FaveRaven: Well just think of him as the bratty older brother that you never wanted. *gives her arm a squeeze and goes into the living room to stand over Mike behind the couch*
x Blueman Mike x: *looks up at Terry and smirks* Hey, pops. Is your hulking over me my cue to leave?
Luna Lovegood 52: I thought the little sister was supposed to be the
bratty one. *crosses her arms over her chest* *in a nasal voice* Daddy, Mike won't leave me alone...
Ur FaveRaven: *reaches down and takes the piece of pizza he took a bite out of* *talks with his mouth full* Zis true, son?
x Blueman Mike x: *sits up slightly, looking over the back of the sofa and fake glares at Luna* She was trying to make me watch girlie shit. *looks back up at Terry innocently* An-and it's not like you ever take me to the games
anymore, pop. You're always working. You just don't want to spend time with me!
Luna Lovegood 52: *bites her lip hard to hold back a laugh* *clears her throat* He keep messing with me, and he pulled my hair...*sticks tongue out at Mike*
x Blueman Mike x: *scowls at Luna* Did not!
Luna Lovegood 52: See! He's lying! He's a liar too! *points a finger at Mike, looking at Terry wide eyed, an amused look in her eyes*
Ur FaveRaven: *looks down at Mike* Are you a liar, Mike?
x Blueman Mike x: *looks up at him* Only if it'll get me what I want. *groans, getting up as Terry doesn't respond* Fine. I'm going. *grabs his pizza box, only crust left inside*
Luna Lovegood 52: *crosses her arms again, smirking smugly* I win.
Ur FaveRaven: Sorry mate. The woman always wins.
x Blueman Mike x: Mmm-hmm. *moves towards the kitchen counter, sliding his box on top* Here ya go, Love. You owe me a few pounds for this.
Luna Lovegood 52: I'll pound you alright. Next time call before you come by. And learn some manners.
x Blueman Mike x: Why, so you know to dress? *leans across the counter towards her, making a kissy face*
Luna Lovegood 52: *makes a face at him, putting a hand in his face,
pushing him back* I'm immune to your....well, charm is kind of a strong word.
Ur FaveRaven: *turns to Luna, an eyebrow raised* You weren't dressed?
x Blueman Mike x: *presses away from the counter and turns to Terry, smugly* Just a REALLY comfy shirt.
Luna Lovegood 52: *flushes slightly* Well, I wasn't expecting anyone
until you got home, so...I was just wearing your shirt. But it's like a dress on me anyway. And I put on pants. *backs up slightly so he can see that she's wearing pants* See?
Ur FaveRaven: *glances at her pants then turns back to Mike* Goodbye Mike.
x Blueman Mike x: *amused* It's been a pleasure kids. *bows sarcastically* And as your personal cupid, let it be known that I'll be checking up on you frequently.
Luna Lovegood 52: *moves back toward Terry, taking his hand discreetly* Where's that bow and arrow? Let me shoot you in the ass, that'll keep you away.
Ur FaveRaven: *laughs slightly* Go home, Corner. Make up some dinner for that hard-working girlfriend of yours. You were kind enough to not save her any of that pizza.
x Blueman Mike x: *smirks back* Dinner? I don't do dinner. I do pick up though... *opens the door tiredly* A guy's work is never done.
Luna Lovegood 52: Such a hard life you lead, Mike. Picking up dinner.
Laying on the couch. Cheering on ball abusers. I don't know how you do it all.
x Blueman Mike x: *looks at her over his shoulder* I know, right? They should pay me more. *holds up a hand* Later cats.
Ur FaveRaven: *smiles* See ya around, Mike.
Luna Lovegood 52: They pay him? I guess that old saying about a fool and his money is true.
Ur FaveRaven: *grasps her hand a little tighter and looks down at her* What's that?
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks up at him* A fool and his money are soon parted. Whoever's paying him is surely a fool.
Ur FaveRaven: Hmm. That's about right. *turns to her and slips his arms around her* So let's move on to us. Us and dinner. No more Mike. Who I apologize for... again. *sighs, resting his chin on her head* Who I'll be apologizing for, for years to come...
Luna Lovegood 52: *smiles, putting her arms around his middle* Well, what would you like for dinner? Heated up pizza or lo mein? I think I finished off the chicken, sorry...and there's no need to apologize. I opened the door.
Ur FaveRaven: *leans over and opens the fridge to view the leftovers, his one arm still around her* We need a dog. Preferably a big one. That bites.
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