Dec. 98

Aug 02, 2004 21:32

x Blueman Mike x: Lovegood! Merry fucking Christmas and Happy Holidays
and all that shit.
Luna Lovegood 52: I'm cutting you off, no more Jager.
x Blueman Mike x: Heh? What'd I do?
Luna Lovegood 52: You were your normal self, Mike, fucking up. Nothing
x Blueman Mike x: Oh okay then. So why the bloody 'tude? St. Nick pass
over your place?
Luna Lovegood 52: *scowls* Shut up before I shove a piece of coal up your
x Blueman Mike x: Damn woman. What the fuck?
Luna Lovegood 52: Nothing. Nevermind. Not like you give a shit anyway.
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a face as she storms past him* *growls* Luna...
*trots to catch up to her* What's going on?
Luna Lovegood 52: Going on? *rounds on him* I'll tell you what's going
on! You locked me in that room with Terry and he nearly...*takes a deep
breath* But it doesn't matter. Not like he'll remember it anyway. *turns,
walking away again*
x Blueman Mike x: *eyes widen at her* *catches up to her again and walks
quickly at her side* Hold up would ya? *breathes out a puff of air* Jiminey
Luna Lovegood 52: *snaps at him* It's Cricket, get it right. And why are
you following me anyhow? Thanks, but I don't need a pet at school.
x Blueman Mike x: I'm sorry but since when do you hate me? And you're
the one who motioned at me to come outside and talk! Not that I want to
return shit with Susan anyhow... but that's not the point!
Luna Lovegood 52: I don't hate you. I'm just not happy with you. If you
hadn't decided to intervene and try and make everyone have a good time, then
it wouldn't have happened.
x Blueman Mike x: What are you talking about? *scowls, walking faster*
Why do you skirts feel the need to power walk when you're mad? I'm sweating
and it's fucking thirty degrees out...
Luna Lovegood 52: *rolls eyes, stopping* You know what, Mike? I don't
care. You want to know what happened? I'll tell you what happened. We
were in there, and he was crying about Mandy and suddenly he's kissing me
and he's on top of me and I'm pretty sure that if he hadn't passed out, it
would have gone much further than either of us wanted it to.
x Blueman Mike x: *faces her, cheeks wind burnt* *starts to smirk*
Luna Lovegood 52: *scowls, pushing him in the chest* Fuck you, too!
x Blueman Mike x: *laughs lightly and tries to grab at her hand as she
pulls away* Come on... *tries to look at her face as she turns away* It's
Boot. Not exactly a menacing date raper. And fuck, nothing did happen... as
you say. No harm, no foul.
Luna Lovegood 52: *shakes head, looking up at him angrily* You don't get
it. Fucking male. Of course you wouldn't get it. I just wanted to tell
you not to try and fix anything where I'm involved ever again. Got it?
x Blueman Mike x: *locks eyes with her and gives her a lighthearted
smile* Come on, Luna...
Luna Lovegood 52: *scowls* Come on my ass.
x Blueman Mike x: *shoves his hands in his pockets* I'm sorry alright?
But hey, now you and Sir Stutter-a-lot can finally get together.
Luna Lovegood 52: No we can't. He's still in love with what's her name,
he probably doesn't remember anything that happened, and even if he did
remember, he would be embarrassed about it!
x Blueman Mike x: *scoffs slightly* Why's everything got to be so
complicated? I'll be happy to fill him in. Fuck his embarrassment. What's
there to be embarrassed of?
Luna Lovegood 52: Says the boy who can't even kiss a girl he's shagging.
x Blueman Mike x: *scowls* That's.... it's different.
Luna Lovegood 52: Shut up, it's not. You both have your oddities. And
besides...*looks away* I think he's probably going to make up with Amanda
Brocklehurst anyway...
x Blueman Mike x: Why? She's nutters. He's nutters around her.
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks up at him* He's nutters for her.
x Blueman Mike x: *makes a face* She's draining the life out of him. He
won't. And I'll see to it if you like.
Luna Lovegood 52: No, Mike, I don't want you to ruin Terry's relationship
for me. There are other fish in the sea.
x Blueman Mike x: Aww, but what about the pound?
Luna Lovegood 52: Shut up. I'll take you to the pound.
x Blueman Mike x: *grins at her* Alright, so no worries. Nothing's
happened we can't fix. Talk to the guy, I'm sure things're fine. You chicks
think too much.
Luna Lovegood 52: You don't listen very well, do you?
x Blueman Mike x: *smiles fades* Huh?
Luna Lovegood 52: *rolls eyes, shaking her head* Nevermind, do whatever
you want.
x Blueman Mike x: What? I won't fuck your life up, Love. I was only
trying to move this shit along.
Luna Lovegood 52: There's nothing to move along, Mike. It's all in your
x Blueman Mike x: *sighs heavily* Fine. Jesus. Just don't forget to
invite me to the wedding so I can throw that comment back in your face.
*looks over her shoulder* Man, I gotta go. *leans closer to her* Still hate
me? *eyes widen pathetically* I'll be good.
Luna Lovegood 52: *looks up at him* *grits teeth to keep from smiling*
Get outta my face. Go shag your girlfriend in a dressing room or some shit.
I have better things to do. And I'll be expecting your letter in the post
soon. *flicks his forehead* Now piss off.
x Blueman Mike x: *hurries past her* Letter? Oy. See ya around, Love.
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