
Apr 04, 2010 21:42

Yep I was home for the earthquake which was a 6.9 but it is now classified as a 7.2.

I guess because it was so far away all we really experienced was a swaying. Houdini was sleeping all morning but he appeared in the hallway looked around the living room then went back to his perch in the spare room. That is when I first felt something. LOL at first I thought mom had pushed on my chair ( she was sitting the left of me ) but when I looked she was on the far side of the couch. It was like being on a boat. The kitchen hanging light started swinging the window shades swayed. No real noise at fist but towards the ends some creaking. The duration was long and we just sat and waited it out. After the recent earthquake which woke us up and had a big jolt at the end this one just swayed thank goodness. I think that is the most terrifying feeling, waiting to see how bad a jolt we are going to get. Are things going to topple over? Is this the big one? When this one kept going I knew it was big and not close so that meant really big.
So do I still want to live here?

Yes, I still prefer living out here in earthquake country.

You just have to be prepared, which we are and aren't we could have so much more items in reserve but will we? Maybe tomorrow we will stock up on some more water. I have my flashlight near my shoes at night since the last quake about two weeks ago (whitter- 4.1). I guess what we need to really do is make a telephone tree for the family.

Because we didn't have any loss of electricity I could go online and immediately see where it was.

This will update so if you want to see what is going on now in the area here is this link.

Most of California

What I thought was interesting was in the same hour there were 2 4.0 earthquakes up in Cloverdale.

Lots of small earthquakes are hitting this area.
So I am predicting a larger quake up there. I just knew there was going to be a large quake south of us in Mexico. So now I have to say the area around Cloverdale is spiking on my radar.

I hope you all had a good weekend.


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