Lost Season 6: LA X

Feb 04, 2010 00:06

Soooo much going on, I was whining "I'm confused!" so much of the time.

The Alt Reality: It very much seems like Jack is having déjà vu - (and the only one) -- not quite remembering, but knowing that he’s experienced this before. Just check the looking glass, if you’re not sure.

And where did that cut on his neck come from? Probably from shaving off the chest hair that he had when he left Sydney. Boo.

Boone and Locke - Together Again: “With a good pilot, we could survive a water landing.” And that was in 2004, before Sully put it down on the Hudson River. I loved the Boone/Locke conversation. They’re destined to be buds no matter where or when. “Why would I pull your leg?” Ouch.

Jack and Locke - Getting Along Again.  The Jack/Locke scene in the lost luggage office was perhaps the most touching scene of the episode and the most sympathetic scene with these two characters since Locke talked him out of going crazy and into being a leader in White Rabbit.  Jack reached out and touched the piece of fate they had in common - Locke's disability and Jack's talent to reverse it.  "Nothing's irreversible." I wonder if this is the theme of Season 6.

The Losties Formerly Known as Dharma: The first few minutes was a great touch by the writers. Everyone expected Jack’s opening eye but you knew from the shape that it was a woman’s. The writers must have written the waking up scene as a gift to Evangeline since she is a natural tree climber and has done her own tree stunts throughout the series. Right back at the hatch, too. And Kate figgered it out! That was our first confirmation, or clue, that our heroes have been blooped forward in time. (Second confirmation was when Jacob told Hurley someone killed him an hour ago. Last clue was when the Temple Others fired off a signal rocket and Richard saw it at the statue site in 2007.) Then at the hatch, Kate is the one who heard Juliet’s cries from down below. Sawyer was too busy bellowing.

And btw, if Kate tackling Sawyer in Season 1 was proof of cosmic sexual chemistry, then Kiles is the new OTP. Just sayin’.

Bookends:  They always put echoes of other season premieres in these first episodes.
- Kate had a shoutout to Charlie’s temporary deafness in the opening of Season 3 as he wakes up from the dynamite explosion and the detonation of the hatch.
- Shades of Beginning of the End when Sawyer tells Kate he doesn’t want her help, and he’s not going to follow behind them.
- Jack’s in an underground bunker looking for Kate again. Shades of the S2 premiere.
- Kate gets close with Jack and picks his pocket - Beginning of the End again.

Miles doesn’t buy that Sayid is dead. But what is he gonna say? “I don’t hear any deadspeak here, so he may not be really dead.”

Hurley is the man. “Can you fix him, Jack?” “No.” “Then why don’t you let me.” Hurley’s got the key to everything throughout the episode - his last minute quick thinking saves them when he tells the Temple Others that Jacob sent them, and his guitar case holds something important. He takes charge and wants to know what’s on the message within. Yet a Japanese Samurai holds an Egyptian Ankh symbol sacred? We’re getting dizzy from the mixed symbolism, Darlton. But no worries, mate, this time the roll call is all on Jacob’s List. And Hurley picked up that samurai dude understood English. Hurley’s our new leader.

Hurley: “Why is his arm missing?” Jin fills him in. Does Hurley then remember the arm Vincent brought out of the jungle?

Sawyer’s anger in his grief is palpable. “I know she’s gone. Now tell me [what she wanted to tell me]. “It worked.” I think Juliet saw over to the other side while she was at death’s door and saw herself making a coffee date with James. Look for it in a future episode, mark my words.  Him digging Juliet’s grave oddly reminds us of Juliet digging Tom’s grave as Sawyer drank a warm Dharma beer. How much time has passed since then.

Coincidence or not? After the character named Lennon, with the John Lennon glasses, delivers his line, it cuts to commercial playing “All You Need is Love.”

Pat Robertson is going to declare Darlton damned for all time by making a “infidel Muslim” look like Christ coming off the cross.

Meanwhile, in the Shadow of the Statue:  Ben is shocked, shocked that Faux Locke “used” him. Pot, meet kettle.

Faux Locke’s take on John Locke: thousands of Locke fanboys are crying at his cruel summary of how pitiful John Locke really was.

Faux Locke has a very very scary new face.

But as the smoke monster, the bad CGI makes him so much Jafar in Aladdin when he got hold of the lamp and became an evil genie himself. Phenomenal Cosmic Power! Itty bitty living space. But never fear, the mortals have pixie dust to keep him at bay! Sorry, guys, but Disney did it better.

Richard for once has no idea what’s going on, despite having been showing up every day for longer than anyone else. It’s sort of like being the parent of a teenager. I feel for him.


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