(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 00:35

Current mood: creatively charged
Current taste: nothingness, so hungry
Current hair: Messy, very messy 
Current clothes: Concert tee and pants
Current windows open: My new play
Current c-d: Metric
Current favorite celebrity: Edward Norton
Current hate: Unrequited Love

Smoke?: Nope
Do drugs?: Nope, unless that litte think with the inflammatories counted?
Have sex?: Nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Yeah, a pretty painful one too
Remember your first love?: Everyday
Still love him/her?: I don't think I can stop
Read the newspaper?: Yes, when I find one
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Tons
Believe in miracles?: Yeah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? My life story...
Consider love a mistake?: "It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all"
Like the taste of alcohol?: Only wine
Have a favorite candy?: Godiva Chocolates
Believe in magic?: Yeah
Believe in God?: Yeah
Have any pets: Yeah, my evil cat Bone [a.k.a el gato de diablo].
Go to or plan to go to college: NYU, Cornell, or Rice
Have any tattoos?: Nope, fine for others, just not my personal favorite
Have an obsession?: Plenty
Have a secret crush?: Don't we all?
Have a best friend?: Kristi
Wish on stars?: Not in a long time, although I'm desperate enough to consider...

First crush: Beau
First kiss: From Beau, we were five, very cute and innocent
Single or attached?: Single, as always...I apparently have "commitment issues"
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I know from experience, although it's not all cut out to what it's suppose to be
Do you believe in "the one?": yeah
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": I hardly ever get caught at anything
Make the first move?: not me, I'm way too coy.

Word Associations
Rubber: ball
Rock: er
Green: swatch
Wet: towel
Cry: now
Peanut: Walnut
Steamy: hand 
Rain: Stormy

Have You Ever
Dated one of your best friends?: No
Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: This is actually a funny question[funny in an ironically sad way] because I SWORE never to cry over a guy, but then I did. Although, it felt really nice afterward. : )
Drank alcohol?: On a few occasions
Ran away from home?: Never had a reason to
Broken a bone? No
Played truth or dare?: That's something everyone has to do in their lifetime
Kissed someone you didn't know?: That's not my style
Been in a fight?: Yes, both physically and verbally
Came close to dying? Once
Been called a tease: When it comes to the NYS, lol

Your weakness: chocolate, guys who dress impeccably, and books about friends
Your fears: Failure, spiders, death, snakes...the usual.
Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it? Damn it...am I late for something?
Your bedtime: It's non-existant
Your most missed memory: Times at my old house.

Number of people I could trust with my life: several
Number of CDs that I own: 250+
Number of scars on my body: four? I think.
Number of things in my past that I regret: mostly times where I put my foot in my mouth

If you have 10 mins to live?: I would want a hug.
What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: the way they carry themselves. how they react to other people and their enviroment, it's very informative. Then their eyes.
Have you ever been sent flowers? Several times. It was a pleasant experience.
If you could go back in time, where would you go? To a Smiths concert when they had just formed. Pre-fame. No joke.
Last thing you said: I haven't talked in a really long time, and I can't remember...hmmmm.
Last song you listened to: "Who's Gonna Save Us?"-The Living End
Occupation you want: Clincal Psychologist, English Professor, or a Writer
Favorite food: Italian
Favorite drink: Cherry Limeade

What is the most embarrassing CD in your collection? The Carpenter's Greatest Hits
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: heated up lagasna
Your favorite restaurant?: Olive Garden

What's on your bedside table?: I don't have one unless you count my desk, and that has my computer, books, letters from colleges, C.D's, my phine, Skip-Bo, Nail Polish remover, a microscope, DVD player, paint, recipe book, and a picture of my and my pals.
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: strawberries
What feature are you most insecure about?: making an idiot of myself by saying something wrong
Are you a pyromaniac?: not really, unless I'm camping. I'm a totally different person when I camp.
Do you have too many love interests?: One.
Crushes?: A handful
Do you know anyone famous?: Not really.
Describe your bed: Metal, industrial, very squeaky. It drives people insane, but I find it comforting.
Do you know how to play poker?: Yes, and I'm a damn good player too
What do you carry with you at all times?: lip gloss and my keys
What do you miss most about being little?: innocence
What country would you most like to visit: the UK
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: a good amount of money. I do have a price, lol.
What color is your bedroom?: A deep red. It's my favorite color.
Do you talk a lot?: Yeah, but I listen a lot too.
Do you think you're cute?: Not really. Sometimes I like my hair though...
Who likes you?: There is this one guy who is relentless. Quite annoying really.

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