Giving up the ghost

Dec 22, 2018 19:09

The day has come... my beloved QWERTY keyboard/flips-two-ways-phone has become really hard to use, and not just for an hour or so like it used to. After two straight frustrating days, I decided to either fix it or ditch it -- and no one wants to touch the thing. The Verizon guy sent me to a "you break/we fix" store and THEY wouldn't even touch it. And he said it was "like spy equipment or something" -- lol. Two people in the store did look at it wistfully, saying it was such a great phone...

...Back in the day, of course. It still IS! Or was, until very recently. Sooooooooo I finally got a (very basic) smartphone -- merry Christmas to me! -- and the guy said "welcome to 2018, almost '19." I said "more like 2010, you mean?" I've had that thing since 2009! I can't actually DROP this new one and still expect it to work *gasp!* My friend's boyfriend says he can retrieve everything off of it, too, which would be more than the Verizon guys can do. We'll see. Next up... a car from this millennium? Noooooooooo

Merry Christmas to everyone :D ♥ ♥ ♥

Here, have an 80stastic Christmas video! Poor George. Every year the same thing happens to him, and he keeps saying this time will be different... hope springs eternal!

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