I got in!

Aug 21, 2011 20:11

Just got stamped at hogwarts_elite and I have to say the results surprised me.

My icon gives it away but I'll cut for dramatic effect and geeky rambling anyway. I kept a running tally of my votes as they came in (darkp_hawk, I thought about assigning this task to you in all your chart-keeping glory, but I was obsessively checking the results anyway so it seemed rather redundant ^_^).

Hufflepuff: 64
Slytherin: 23
Gryffindor: 9
Ravenclaw: 1
Squib: 0

Being sorted into Hufflepuff isn't the surprising thing; I expected the votes to be divided between Gryff and Puff. But my secondary house is SLYTHERIN... I never would have seen it but once the Slyth was pointed out, I can see it all over the place (in things not covered in my app as well). For the past 6 years I've thought of myself as a Gryffindor, because that's where I was sorted in HiH back in the day -- with Hufflepuff a close second, Ravenclaw a close third, and no Slytherin votes. But henceforth I am a SlytherPuff! I think there was plenty of the other 2 houses in my app as well, just not as prominent to most folks, apparently.

I have a better understanding of all the houses now (granted, it's a H_E understanding, but frankly I find it more in depth than Rowling's), and how my own stereotypes of them need to be thrown out the window. Not all Slytherins have grand ambitions, and not all Ravenclaws are college grads. That solves the dilemma of where to sort my brother, not that he cares about "Harry Potter crap" -- but he's a total Claw. He's highly intelligent, analytical to a fault, and he pursues knowledge in areas of interest so much so that he doesn't stay grounded in reality.

Anyway. With one exception, I've resisted the urge to respond to comments on my application -- partly so as not to clutter up the app, and partly because I put a lot of thought into the app and I won't be putting nearly as much thought into comment responses, and some members take all the comments into account when making their decision (Slytherin self-preserving calculation? Check). Especially since many of the comments I want to respond to are from Slytherins... it could be perceived that that's the house I want to be in. To be honest, once those votes started coming in, the idea of being in Slytherin was indeed really appealing. It was just such a foreign concept to me! But I'm happy to be in Hufflepuff ♥ and I look forward to interacting with my new badger family and all the members of H_E.

Off to respond to comments that people have probably forgotten they left by now. Hee.

harry potter

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