Grrr. I'm tired of seeing Frank on my screen!

Jul 30, 2011 11:55

I assume I'm not the only one who has to refresh every page a jillion times to get it to load, and a jillion more times to get it to load EVERYTHING. Makes it a bit difficult to keep up with the f-list. Come on, LJ, fight the good fight and fight it swiftly!

Today's activity to use as an excuse for not cleaning the house: filling out my application for hogwarts_elite! (thank you sileri for giving me something else to obsess about :P) I'm just not ready for Harry Potter to be over. I'm going to start re-reading the series very soon. I've seen the final movie twice and plan to see it again tomorrow. Not sure how many times I will see this one, but I do generally reach a point where I think "okay, I can wait for the dvd now" -- and I'm not there yet. Unfortunately, I've now experienced D-box seats, and I'm afraid I'm gonna be spoiled for all future movie outings. Are they worth the money? Not really. Will I spend the money anyway? Probably. I admit, part of the allure for me at the moment is going to "my" theatre, which is no longer mine (mine was closed in 2009, and really I should have stopped calling it "mine" in 2002 but I'm possessive like that)... I love that UltraStar came in and did extensive remodeling to make it viable in today's theatre climate. I can't help thinking how we would have abused the beer and alcohol back in the day. Hehe. Ah, the good old days!

Did I say I was going to post vacation pics? There are 297 of them and therefore too much effort to sort through. Just know that Colorado is very pretty. And I have a new-found appreciation for locomotives.

Frank, please don't eat this post!

harry potter

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