
Apr 15, 2011 20:33

I missed the Arcade Fire concert this week because I was my brother's Plan B, and Plan A did not flake out. Bummer! But since he hasn't even let me borrow their new CD yet I don't know their new stuff. Shoulda opened/uploaded it before I gave it to him for Christmas.

In other news... I got routine service done on my A/C because it's That Time of Year, and I was informed I have hail damage from the storm we had here last October 5th. I should have gotten it checked out sooner, really, but I'm of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" ilk plus I'm lazy... now I'll probably get a whole new one! THAT WOULD KICK ASS. THANK YOU, STORM.

And I finally got a Sims 2 Bon Voyage that freaking works. HALLELUJAH!

I like today's thefridayfive because it doesn't require a lot of thought :D Always a good thing when one is tired/PMSy/irritable.

1. The 30th song in your playlist: "How We Operate" by Gomez, on my laptop media player that I never use. I'd refer to my iPod but it's still borked and I'm not firing up the slow-ass computer just to look in iTunes.

2. A city that starts with C in your state/province/etc: Cottonwood

3. Your boss' (or favorite teacher's) name: Mabel

4. The second book on your bookshelf: Depends on which level of which bookcase! Four levels, two don't have "booky" books though... so it's either Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince or Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales.

5. Your 7th LJ friend: I'm going to assume this means alphabetically, because chronologically I have no clue beyond my first 2 LJ friends! Seventh would be ascendingflame, who doesn't seem to use LJ much anymore. I miss her updates!

friday five, music

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