Ack, still need Deathly Hallows icons...

Nov 19, 2010 23:28


It was weird not knowing where the movie was going to end, like we do with the other 6 films. That was a good spot to end it! CAN IT BE NEXT SUMMER ALREADY PLEASE?

I need to stop capslocking! this isn't capslock!Harry time, that was the 5th one

As always I found myself wishing the book was fresher in my memory. Someone with better retention skills could probably list things that were in the book but not the movie and vice versa. I didn't notice any glaring omissions.

I wanted to smack Ron when he left in the book and I had the same reaction in the movie (even though the locket was blamed -- that's no excuse, Ronald!). But I forgave him when he came back :) I thought Harry talked to Ron about how he and Hermione had always been like brother and sister, though... didn't he? Right after the locket thing tormented Ron? But that was left unresolved here. HOORAY FOR GIVING HARRY/HERMIONE SHIPPERS HOPE! LOL okay not really. But there were a lot of nice H/H moments in this film. I especially liked the dance scene, although that wasn't meant to be romantic. I still keep thinking "GUH, you guys are so much better together than Ron and Hermione!" Aside from that, though, I thought it was well done... childhood glee and innocence for a mere moment, and then all too soon back to glum faces and reality.

I didn't think the movie dragged at all. My friend did, but she also pointed out that it was supposed to feel that way (some of the camping scenes when Harry and Hermione were alone) because that spanned several months. But there was a collective gasp when it ended, like "that's all? Two and a half hours went by already?"

I cried for Dobby, as I knew I would... why couldn't clever Hermione save him? (maybe something else I forgot from the books?)

I loved the twins, and the wedding, and the Harry clones, and Ron kissing his "wife", and Luna... and more darkly, the snake scenes were delightfully scary... the torture was hard to watch... Voldemort was creepy... okay I'm just babbling here and not saying anything of significance so I'll shut up.

To the reviews complaining about it feeling transitional... DUH. IT'S PART ONE. It doesn't have the same tidy ending all the others do, and it's all a lot of build-up with no real pay-off yet. So PFFFFFFFFFFFFT.

I'm really excited to see the next one but then there's the whole bittersweet "bah it's over" feeling to deal with, so I shall wait like a dutiful little fangirl.

ETA: Forgot to mention that in the Three Brothers story, Death totally reminded me of Grievous at first. I think it was his posture. Hee!

harry potter

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