It's official

Jan 02, 2010 09:39

My favorite Harry Potter movie is still #4, Goblet of Fire. I thought maybe #6 had eclipsed it but nope, this week I found out where my affections lie! (Sorry, young Tom, I still love you, though!) I watched one Harry Potter film every day up until New Year's Eve, when I got to the last one.

Shame on me, I deleted my GoF icons. I'm particularly missing the "hotter than your boyfriend" Cedric one, silly as it sounds. *pout* I wonder if I can find some even with LJ's "new and improved? MY ASS" search function that doesn't work nearly as well as the old one.

I was in a pissy mood yesterday and allowed that to derail me from accomplishing anything. Today, the tides shall turn, oh yes!

*bops off to shower*

harry potter

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