I lied, I'm not waiting 'til tomorrow

Sep 24, 2009 12:13

2 posts in 1 day, zomg ( Read more... )


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lela_s September 24 2009, 19:35:52 UTC
I can't believe I didn't give this to you yet!! *is a bad lj friend* ANYWAY!

It's Pon and his birthday cake! YAY!!

And about the anti-depressants. Just tell your doctor that you want to go off them and let him/her set you up with a plan to step down off them. You don't want to quiet those things cold turkey! Then you'll really need them! And if after you're off them for at least a month (it takes between 2 weeks and 4 weeks for it to be totally out of your system and for you to re adjust to "normal") you can decide if you want to stay off them or go back on depending on how you feel! But remember it's your body/brain (whatever) and you have the final say in what happens to it! GOOD LUCK!


lumy12 September 24 2009, 20:02:12 UTC
Ooooooooo shiny! Thank you! That's lovely! Will upload when I get home!

I'm tempted to just blow off going to the doctor and just gradually take less and less (I'm on my last refill). But I suppose that's just me being cheap!

If I only I could see the hand doctor instead ♥


lela_s September 24 2009, 20:09:22 UTC
LOL You and your hand doctors! Worse then your underage looking boys fetish!

I guess it all depends on how much and what they have you on to begin with.


lumy12 September 24 2009, 20:16:39 UTC
Wow, I got so excited thinking about the doc that my grammar failed in my reply, too!


tash_dragon September 24 2009, 20:22:06 UTC
Sorry for kind of jumping in. I'd really suggest talking to the doctor about it first. I don't know what/how much you're taking, but when my mom decided to go off without telling anyone it went really bad and she's still trying to get back on track. It might not be a problem for you, but just please be careful.


lumy12 September 24 2009, 20:33:18 UTC
Jump in anywhere you want!

It was really bad? O_o Huh. Thanks for the warning.

I'm on fluoxetine (generic Prozac), 20mg/day.

Icon is inappropriate but it's my favorite one to use for you ~


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