Random tidbits

Aug 15, 2009 11:06

- I feel SO much better than I did last weekend. I've already accomplished so much and it's not even noon! Yay productivity!

- Gmail and LJ are not blocked (yet) at work. Since the Powers That Be said this process would take several weeks, I'm still going to lay low for a while.

- Yesterday they tried something new with my hand - zapping! They hooked me up to this little machine... the little patch thingies were on my forearm, but that made my fingers lift when the juice started flowing. It was pretty cool! I had to try to lift my fingers even more when it was on. It was only supposed to be for 5 minutes (off & on) but I did it for 20 minutes without fatigue.

- I've seen it twice now but I want to see HBP again >.> I also want to hang out with my brother tomorrow night if he's not busy, so maybe I'll put off the movie-going for another week.

- I will NOT touch the Gameboy until the rest of my productive type stuff is done. (curses to you, Nam!)

- Peach milkshakes are the BEST. Why don't more places offer them?

Um... I guess that's all. Boring post is boring.
*trots off to be more productive!*

gimp hand, harry potter

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