Happy Black Friday

Nov 28, 2008 07:13

Yay day of slacky goodness. I bitch about the fact that the office isn't closed the day after Thanksgiving, but I don't really mind working it. It's generally accepted as a slack day. Over half the office takes a vacation day for today so it's really dead. Phones are dead because people assume we're closed. And SOME years we get out early but it doesn't look like that will happen this year.

Anyway. So, I had wondered what would happen if I started reading Hellsing before bed. Last night I dreamt about a group of gangster-type guys threatening to beat me up for NO good reason, but I wouldn't get close enough to them to give them the chance... I did let Sylar inside, and HE tried to kill me with that weird black eye thing, but then changed his mind and kissed me. HA!!!

Still undecided as to what to do about Heroes S3. On Demand only has the last 3 eppies, nbc.com only has the last 5. Download sites I've found have icky .rar files that I can't open. Is it better to just read summaries of the first episodes and then watch what I can, or wait and watch everything when the dvd set is released?

Last chance to gimme your info so I can send you a holiday card! I hope to do them all over the weekend/Monday and mail them next week. Go TO THIS POST HERE where comments are screened.

heroes, i dream of crack

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