An update of sorts.

Dec 23, 2007 09:33

I read an article in the paper yesterday about how "you should drink 8 glasses of water daily" is a myth. I knew it! I iz smarter than doctors! Lost over the years was the council's note that the 64 ounces called for included water contained in coffee, soda, fruits & vegetables. Granted, I know I don't eat enough fruits and veggies anyway. That'll be part of my 101 things list, methinks. Which I have yet to start but I have a whole bunch of items for it in my head. I had hoped to start 1/1/08 but I don't know if I'll have it done in time. Bah, I should start it 1/2/08 just to be different. Or 1/10/08 or something.

I am all set for Christmas. Well, except for the one thing I'm still waiting on for my brother, it has one more day to get here... but he won't mind an IOU on that if it doesn't come in the mail tomorrow. I still have to call K too. It's been a while again. I'm a horrible friend. I'm a much better online friend than real-life friend. I'm thinking maybe I'll just swing by tomorrow unannounced and drop her gift off - if she's not home, I can let myself in. It's Christmas so she can't guilt-trip me, right? Right.

I had a cracktastic dream last night about me getting kidnapped but not really because I went along with it...? It was some big fraud thing, I don't recall the details, I just know we were on the run and I was angsty about not being able to update my LJ or talk on AIM because that would give away the fact I was in on it (?) - and I kept getting mad at my kidnappers for spilling our real names when we were out instead of using fake ones. We kept having to leave places because the cops would catch on and come after us. Ugh, just very confusing and hectic and stressful. There was also some random "Little House on the Prairie" stuff thrown in. And elledwen was in it at one point showing me SIMS stuff and chastising me for RPing a NPC differently than we had discussed. Ha!

I guess this'll be my last update before Christmas so I'd like to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS - if you don't celebrate it, don't take offense, just ignore me!

i dream of crack

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