
Oct 25, 2007 07:28

Know what today is? Actually, what today would have been - my 10-year wedding anniversary. 10/25/97 was the wedding date. Alas, we broke up in December '96. I'm not sad about this anymore, but for some reason I still remember it every year when 10/25 comes around.

I had this really bizarre dream but a lot of it has faded now so I won't bore you with the whole thing. Does anyone else have recurring dreams about creepy bathrooms? This same huuuuuge, gross, eerie-green-lit, no-stall-havin', everyone-has-to-go-in-full-view-of-each-other public restroom pops up in my dreams every so often. I think there must be something wrong with me and my subconscious. This time I decided to get nekkid to do my business. (?) No one else was in there with me (the bathroom is larger than my entire house) and it seemed like the perfect solution to the problem of not being able to use one of the holes that they call toilets without getting stuff on yourself. Couldn't I have left my shirt on, though? Weird. /dream babble

So apparently, a bunch of email services are blocking LJ email (hotmail, msn, cox, juno, netscape, maybe others) and they're saying it's LJ's fault, LJ is saying it's THEIR fault. How could all those providers have problems all at once if it's NOT LJ's fault, I wonder? I blame LJ! I know hotmail and msn are the same thing really but the other ones have nothing to do with each other, no? I switched from cox to gmail and YAY at least I'm getting new notifications now. I'd like to get my old ones from the past 2 weeks still, because I really do hate missing stuff.

Today is drive-paychecks-around day, yay! And then I get to go home when I'm done delivering! Woohoo! I love overtime, but I admit, I like making up the time just as much.

my love life is nonexistent for a reason, i dream of crack

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