I'm home. Woo.
I was up for 25.5 hours yesterday! Save for a few crappy catnaps on the planes. Definitely had more fun going TO England than coming home.
I cried 4 times yesterday! Twice in the Manchester airport and twice on the first plane. It's all
bottled_void's fault. But once I got to Philly I was too zombiefied + stressed out about missing my connection to feel emotions, I think, just wanted to get home!
So, yeah, home but very behind on things. I'm a bit overwhelmed with how much I need to do here this weekend. I will post many many pictures at some point. Be patient ^_^
Feels very weird being home. My kitties have already forgiven me for abandoning them - Snickers didn't until this morning, but everyone else did last night.
Gonna go take a shower now cuz I'm grooooooooosssssssssss.