This is my oldest icon. Can.Not.Delete!

Aug 20, 2007 07:30

Ugh, Mondays suck ass.

I arrived at work today to find my trash still overflowing. This is a pet peeve of mine. J says we fired the cleaning people. Great, could we not have brought new ones in first? *sigh*

My legs are sore. Why are my legs sore? Yes, I walked for about 4 hours on Saturday when I was shopping. Is that it? I've been working out for 2 months now, I expect to be in better shape by now, dangit! This does not bode well for my trip. Although, I expect then I'll be too high on excitement to much care about a bit of soreness ^_^

I keep dreaming about things going wrong with my trip (as in, the actual leaving Arizona part, it doesn't go beyond that) and/or about oodles and oodles of kittens that I don't know what to do with. >.> Hmmm, yeah, I wonder what's been in my subconscious lately. *snerk*

Okay, I need to buckle down and get to work. Have much to do. Tomorrow is Wendy Day. There's no way it could possibly be worse than the last Wendy Day (14 hours! Ugh!). At least I only have one RP thread to distract me. *clings to it* *decides it will go on and on FOREVAHHH!* Oh, heeeeeee, Amber, I got an idea for that fluffy/disturbing Aoife thing we were talking about. I'm amused. Of course, my ideas come when I don't really have time to do anything about them. Even tonight I should be busy cuz I didn't get much done yesterday... stuff I need done for tomorrow night's orders. *sigh* I fail at life.

My iPod is updated, yay! I'll do that shuffling meme again as soon as I get through this payroll.

failing at life, i dream of crack

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