"I think I'm paranoid!" ~Garbage

Jul 17, 2007 07:39

Why can't I make myself work this week? I have time to be typing up my notes, that's what I should be doing. Meh.

The diet is taking a mini-vacation this week. Three work parties! And leftover cake in the fridge that's already calling my name! I'm sure I'm not losing weight anymore because I'm gaining muscle. Yeah, that's it. Yup.

I got my passport yesterday. Yayyyyyyy! It's shiny and pretty!

It's official: I have failed to reread the HP series before DH comes out. Oh well. I'm in the middle of OotP now.

I don't consider myself to be a paranoid person at least compared to some of y'all, you know who you are!, but I do know there are cruel people out there. The release of the final Harry Potter book is all over the media. I might as well jump on the bandwagon and take some precautions. Disabling non-friend commenting on my journal until I've read the book - which really would only affect my brother, as my other non-LJ-friends have apparently stopped reading this - but I don't think I'm going to be saying anything comment-worthy of him in the next week anyway. There's only a few communities I'll set on my notifications to let me know when there's a post in them, other than that I'll filter them off my list. Won't read emails/comment emails from people I don't know.

Whee, paranoia is kind of fun!

I think I'm going to pick up my book Saturday morning instead of Friday night. I know someone who was spoiled waiting in line for one of the books. But besides that, I don't see the point of going out there to get it and waiting in a big-ass line only to go to sleep when I get home. Excited as I may be for the book, yes I'd still go to sleep - I'm just not a night owl! My reserve on the book is good the whole next day. I'm trusting Borders not to sell my copy.

I can't believe a week from now it will all be over. That's exciting and sad at the same time.

harry potter, failing at life

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