Exciting Stuff in Lumyland!

Jun 13, 2007 06:52

Or... not so exciting, unless you're me and you're easily excited ( Read more... )

star wars, england, i dream of crack

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sanestlunatic June 13 2007, 16:34:48 UTC
Exciting! Have you looked at tickets yet? If not, you should definitely do it ASAP (I know, this is probably me being stupid and telling you things you already know), because things were mostly booked when I got my ticket last year (seven months in advance). Of course, I was flying during spring break-ish time (but who goes to England for spring break? ...other than crazy people like me), but still.

Also, you should totally be better at sending postcards than I was. >.> *still has her postcards somewhere*

Also also, haha, I got my passport in, like, three weeks without the expedited service. *points and laughs* I'm glad the travel agent person told me to do it in August instead of December.


lumy12 June 13 2007, 17:16:49 UTC
O_O This all just came about but I do plan on looking at tickets, like... now. Hopefully it'll be fine since I'm flexible with when I can leave, as opposed to you who HAD to go during spring break time... what airline did you go on? I want to go in September/early Octoberish maybe, since it's still really hot here then. Any later than that and I'd miss out on the good weather here. Which is okay, just not preferable.

Ohhh yeah postcards!

You're lucky. You got yours before the new law of needing one to go to Mexico and Canada. *sigh*


sanestlunatic June 13 2007, 17:22:14 UTC
I flew on BMI, which was a really nice airline. The food was okay, and they had good in-flight entertainment. Also, I went through expedia.com - I tried to go to our local travel agency, but they wanted me to pay something like a hundred dollars more. Overall, shopping around online is probably going to be your best bet - I probably checked four or five websites, if not more. Can you get a direct flight from Phoenix to Manchester?

I got mine early BECAUSE I knew they were going to start requiring them to go to Mexico and Canada. If not for that, I would've waited till I was home for Christmas break to get my passport (which also entailed getting my third or fourth copy of my birth certificate - my mom is no longer allowed to keep track of my legal documents).


lumy12 June 13 2007, 17:27:38 UTC
I went to Hawaii ten years ago and couldn't go directly from here. So my guess is I'll have to connect somewhere. Thanks for the advice! I'll sniff around tonight.

I have my original birth certificate in my hot little hands, yay. My mom had it until this weekend, though. Lucky for me she's fairly organized.


sanestlunatic June 13 2007, 17:30:21 UTC
You people and your actual going places. *sulks* St. Louis isn't a hub anymore, which sucks. You can't go, like, anywhere from there...except to Chicago, of course.

Also, avoid connecting in O'Hare. Their international terminal sucks ass. I mean, I haven't actually been in many airports, but Manchester's was about twenty gazillion times better.


lumy12 June 13 2007, 17:33:44 UTC
*is taking notes*

I really don't go that many places, I swear. I haven't even left this state since 2005! I've been to Nevada and California a lot. But California is huge, there are still places I'd like to see some time (San Francisco and Monterey, namely)


sanestlunatic June 13 2007, 17:37:09 UTC
I wouldn't leave the state if I didn't live, like, twenty minutes from the state line. (And I always get dragged to TN to visit my grandparents.)

I've been to SF and Monterey, but it's been aaaaages. Like, I think I was in fifth grade or thereabouts? We went to San Jose for one of my dad's convention things. (That was back when we still went on family vacations.)

In the US, I mostly want to go to New Orleans and the Northeast (which is...you know...where I want to live someday).

And before my trip last March, I hadn't gone anywhere since 2003, when I went to Disneyworld with my ex. *wins at not going places*


lumy12 June 13 2007, 17:40:18 UTC
Disneyworld would be fun. Isn't that where we're supposed to have a omg!ls meeting? Ha!

I've been to Disneyland multiple times, but not since 2000. I kinda want to go back to New York as I only spent 3 hours there back in 1990. Yeah, need more time than that.

But you want to live in ENGLAND some day, not the northeast! Heh


sanestlunatic June 13 2007, 18:29:54 UTC
We're going to do it someday. :P Unfortunately, we'd almost have to go in the summer sometime, which would be hellishly expensive. But...Disneyworld in general is hellishly expensive. We'd just have to all squeeze into one wee hotel room or something.

I do...but the Northeast is me being more realistic about things. *sigh* Unless I find a hot British guy to marry, that is (and that's not even close to realistic).


lumy12 June 13 2007, 19:43:59 UTC
lol! Aaron says I'm going to meet some hot British guy over there who'll sweep me off my feet and I won't come back. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.


elledwen June 13 2007, 17:24:59 UTC
*butts in* Btw, I onced booked a plane ticket with only a month in advanced. If you're flexible a few days either way, it's not so bad. And I've never booked more that 3, at the very most 4 months in advanced (and I actually can't remember ever booking more than three months in advanced I'm just thinking I may have at some point booked more than that).


sanestlunatic June 13 2007, 17:27:36 UTC
OMG, stop butting in in my thread. :P

And yeah, I'm sure it's not that bad. It's just that the travel agency I went to was all "ZOMG you HAVE to book now" and kept trying to tell me that most of the flights were sold out. -.- (Actually, all the international flights from O'Hare that weekend were sold out...you know, in March.)


lumy12 June 13 2007, 17:29:52 UTC
If I end up going during the week it's okay. My biggest concern was getting the time off work. I haven't missed a payroll since I've been in this position (5.5 years, and I've worked here for 7 with only one week-long vacation in that whole time. I deserve it! Yeah!) Unfortunately this means that once I train someone, I WILL BE EXPENDABLE! Heh.


sanestlunatic June 13 2007, 17:32:03 UTC
I came back during the week, simply because it would be a bit cheaper - obviously I couldn't fuck with my exam schedule (except I wound up not having any exams, so I could've, whoops), but I did get to fly back on a Monday (which turned into Tuesday).


lumy12 June 13 2007, 17:38:23 UTC
Hehe, yeah I remember you were delayed. I'd totally allow for that for the trip back. I'll probably end up with 2 weeks off work. I'll have enough time to stretch it into more though, should it be convenient. Woo!


lumy12 June 13 2007, 17:42:21 UTC
Good, I feel better. I remember you saying you did it with only a month's notice once. I'm flexible. But I'm still going to book it soon. I'm not much good at bargain shopping anyway - if I find something to my liking I'll just book it. Heh.


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