"I don't know where you get your delusions, laserbrain."

Mar 10, 2007 09:40

List time!

To Do Sat.3/10--Mon.3/12
-2 "Sat.morning" chores
-clean both toilets
-clean microwave
-clean fountain
-More weed-pulling/spraying. This time, we go for the babies, cuz the big ugly daddies are DONE, yay! -And I even WATERED stuff too. Go me!
-pick one thing off the neglected "non-necessary" list and DU ET.
-spend money online
-clear coffee table
-clear counter
-torrent SOMEthing, at least one thing
-make torrent list
-RP: -pick a name for D!'s kitten; update Aoife's links
-grocery store
-work on fic (I've decided staring at my prompts list counts. *nod*)
-finish a fic? yeah right
-pay bills (I even knocked off $90 from my roadkill fund. Yay!)
-lament the fact that it's taking forever for ColumbiaHouse to ship your movies that you totally don't watch right away anyway but now this makes you want to watch them all of a sudden (ohhhh okay system glitch. No need to panic. Whew.)
-deliver to Charli (on Monday)
-drink the frappuccino you just found in your fridge that expired 8/1/05. lol! (and hey, guys, it didn't even make me sick!)

Subject to additions.

wasting food is evil, list

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