
Jun 16, 2011 16:25

Not posted here in a long while, and not sure even how many people still read it but I need a way to get my thoughts out this is the easiest at the moment.

Ever since returning from the Gulf, I've felt an outside at work.  It may have been I was an outsider before I left and didn't realize it, but its definitely apparent now.

So, a co-worker recently has been sick but no one has really said anything about it.  Today they are sending around emails asking people to sign a card for him and donate money.  That only happens when something is wrong.  There was one email which mentioned his co-pays, again, indicating it's medical and likely to be costly.

I find out second hand he has Lymphona, and it appears its Stage 4, which is the latest stage. Its possible to recover, and he is young (in his mid-late 20s) so he could pull out just fine.  He starts Chemo soon.

Part of me feels a need to help out, although financially it is tough right now. Everyone at work thinks we are doing so well after going to the Gulf, but no one knows how much our pay was cut upon returning and how much of a hardship that has been.  Also, this nagging question keeps ringing in my mind... "Would any of them do this for me?" and the answer I keep getting back is "Nope. You're not that liked here."   I'd get a "Sorry to hear you are sick" and that'd be it.  I'd not see any financial help.  I guess I'm bitter and don't want to be.  I want to help him out, even if its not much, but keep finding it hard to convince myself its the right thing to do.

I hate internal debates like this.
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