Jun 04, 2008 03:10
I'm a scaredy cat. Sometimes i'm just too afraid to try things because i am unsure of the outcome. I guess that just makes me a sub-man which sucks but whatever, another boundary that doesn't mean anything.
Ihave a feeling this summer is going to be a bore. living day to day without real plans is getting too monotonous. I am just a bore. sometimes i wonder how i have friends but you guys keep talking to me and hanging out with me so supposedly i'm doing something alright. I must say that the past three weeks have been way decent, i'm going to be at a loss when matt derek goes back up. i love them times a million. i loved being surrounded by good friends for 11dayz . I don't want to wait until november to move.
I want to be with my besties but i think i'm going to travel further north and a little east to be with other babes such a monza in montana.[why can't i have an original thought?] but i'm too chicken to move towards a productive path.