I'm Still Alive...

Jan 06, 2005 19:55

I have not really felt like writing in this deal recently and I still don't but I guess it is better than doing reading.

The New Years party that we has, also known as Sweater Fest 2004-5, went off smashingly well. Probably about 70 people were in our house at the high point and almost all of them in sweaters or holiday garb. We got smahsed and sang along to great 90's songs and a goodtime was had by all.

School has started again and I can already tell it is going to be a lot of work this quarter. I have a book a week to read for my seminar, plus additional chapters from a text book for the class. Also my politics class looks like it is going to be a lot of reading and my computer class is gonna be a pain in the ass. However, I am looking forward to the challenge and I think I can meet it.

I am not really feeling this...maybe another time.
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