Nov 25, 2004 23:19
These things have happened since the last update:
-Saw Evan in LA. I miss that guy.
-Went to a Guttermouth show. It was one of the best, if not THE best show I have ever been too. I might have to write more about the damn good.
-Went to the Bad Religion DVD show in LA. Band rocked but the venue sucked. Too big, too crowded, and horrible security. Forced Rise Against to play a short set so T.S.O.L could play longer, and they blow. Security made me throw away my key clip, and wouldn't let Rise Against hand out stickers. It felt like going to a Korn concert (not that I wolud know, but I am assuming that is what it is like). Don't over go to the Hollywood Paladium ever for your own sake.
-Turned in a paper I worked hard on, but my TA doesn't like my writing style so I won't do well on it though I busted my ass. I am not being neggative, I have had her before and got the same results.
-Saw Green Day and it was REALLY good. I love them so much, no joke.
-Car caught on fire on the way home from Green Day. Called 911 and the firemen put it out. Had to get it towed to the mechanics, and it's status is unknown until the shop opens and they look at it. Damage was minimal as the fire was kept to the bottom front of the car.
-My dad's side of the family forgot about my birthday and apologized tons (they have presents but forgot them at their houses).
-Ate a lot for Thanksgiving.
I am glad to know everyone who reads this goddamn thing. You are all good friends, regardless of how often I may see you in a real life. I am truly honored to know all of you and have great friends like you. Somtimes, when I get down I think of all the friends like you that I have and it always cheers me up.