May 01, 2005 14:55
Hooray for the Pre-Raphealites! Alex and I met up with Minkie, Eric, Matt and Alicia at the Portland Museum of Art to have a viewing of the Pre-Raphealite exhibit. What a stunner! I was just inches away from Dante Gabriel Rosetti's Lady Lilith! The exhibit as a whole was wonderful, but it was slightly marred by the art historian obviously enamored with wer own vocal styilngs. I can only handle overblown art criticism in small doses, and while she did have a few interesting things to say, her perspective of the works was mostly speculative without being contextually cohesive. She picked apart the works and didn't really tie her (overabundance of) comments together around a central argument. That being said, her lecture beforehand was much better then the hyperanlalytically vomitous nature of her tour. We stuck around long enought to have some nice and quiet moments with the works however, and it was fantastic.