Pride comes before the fall...

Oct 20, 2006 10:54

I'm at war with pride. I'm fed up with all that pride is, does, and will do. Please, don't ever be afraid to look at pride in your own life. I'm not being accusational, meaning, I'm not accusing anyone or trying to look like I've got it all figured out. But in my own life I've discovered pride in the deepest creveses of my being and I'm shining the Light on it and kicking it out. If we're to live Christ-like lives we first need to examine our lives and rid ourselves of pride. It's not an easy thing to do. It's like trying to take apart a cake once it's been baked to see what ingredients went into making the cake. This is only possible when one gives up him or herself to God and works at it on a spiritual level. None of this is going to make any sense on a physical level because the physical world is built around pride. This is my prayer to all that read this. If we who are followers of Christ are going to move forward we're going to have to work at getting rid of pride.
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