9 Nov

Nov 10, 2011 15:23

As mentioned, yesterday was our 4th wedding anniversary.

Went to Graze for lunch. It was filled with expat wives who were just chattering away. There were only 2 tables filled when we were there, which made me wonder how on earth can they make enough to survive. We used the Woman's Weekly one for one voucher which was a good thing since the food was not worth paying so much for. Somehow, for all the talk about Singapore being a food paradise, it seems quite hard to find a restaurant which serves decent food at decent prices.

After that we caught 'One Day' at Lido. Well, I've been away so while I know it's been renovated, I haven't gone there yet, so it was quite eye opening for me. There is so much light now and it feels so lovely, fantastic place to have movie premieres. The movie was alright I guess, her accent was a bit off though I won't say I'm an expert in Yorkshire accents. I did think they could have made her look more 'ugly' at the beginning of the film where she's not supposed to have much confidence and thus didn't take care of her looks. I also thought the characters should be better fleshed out but maybe it's hard to translate that onto the silver screen. It was certainly cleaned up for Hollywood though since there was no mention of Emma's affair with the principal.

We wanted to get martinis at Morton's but we were still full from lunch so we just walked around a bit and caught another movie, 'Tower Heist'. It was funny enough and I liked that it wasn't the usual heist movie since they were just a bunch of amateurs. It's been almost forever since we went to the cinema so it was rather nice.

We ended the day with MH, since I wanted to pass her some Ettusais stuff I bought her.

All in all a rather lovely day I guess.

Wanted to read some management books today but haven't gotten down to doing so. Can't believe that I actually have to go back to work, sigh... Perhaps some swimming before that, lol...

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anniversary, life, via ljapp

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