Wedding Part 2

Dec 05, 2007 21:50

While uploading the photos to Facebook, might as well update more on the wedding

1) LM, a friend we made while backpacking in Vietnam 5 years ago came for our wedding. She was this Australian lady who was traveling around with her son, who's Korean, so you can just imagine how much they stood out. Anyway we kept bumping into her while traveling so we just ended up talking. Throughout the years, we exchanged emails on and off and then this year, she and CS started MSN-ing while he was at work and dying of boredom. So anyway, during one of those MSN conversations he told her we were getting married and that's when she decided she had to attend our wedding. It was a spur of the moment thing for her I think and well a shock to us at first. Everything turned out fine in the end though. We spent the 2 days before the wedding bringing her around which helped to keep our minds off the wedding and she was a splendid guest! Everyone treated her like a VIP, hehe....

2) My mum had to wash my hair for me in god knows how many years. I went for my manicure / pedicure the eve of the wedding and I had scheduled it as the last thing for me to do before I went home. After getting my nails done, the manicurist told me I can't wash my hair as I may spoil the nails, as I didn't want to spend time sitting at the salon (and it was already quite late), I just went home and asked my mum to wash my hair for me. It was quite funny actually. And because of my nails, I couldn't help out with any household chores so I just sat and did nothing. In the end, I went to sleep at 9.30pm! Almost everyone else involved in the wedding slept later than me, haha...

3) I was thankful that I decided to wear a kebaya for the photoshoot at Botanic Gardens. I just wore my Charles and Keith slippers with the kebaya so it was a breeze walking around taking photos, and it was nice that the 'jie meis' and 'xiong dis' were around so we could have them in some pictures.

4) I was feeling hungry the whole day for some strange reason, it was quite hilarious actually. I was eating while I was getting my makeup done, I was eating during the photoshoot, I was eating at my parent's place after the tea ceremony. You get the picture.

5) I managed to catch some sleep during the break between the morning and evening ceremonies. JO was so amazed, he kept saying that I would be too excited to sleep but in the end I just slept just like that. Keke....

Ok, am done uploading the photos part 1 from my photographer. Now I need to slowly tag them and stuff. More updates soon


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