(no subject)

Jun 01, 2007 11:10

You know how sometimes you are out with a group of friends talking and conversation dries up and there is an awkward silence where no one says anything, apparently my friends have decided that the conversation will turn to my wedding :p It's the same at work too, everytime we have a lull during our lunch time conversations, inevitably the topic will be lumos's wedding, lolz... I'm getting quite good at spotting these moments, and it takes me quite a bit of effort not to laugh when they occur. Yes, I know I'm getting married and all, but aren't there other things we can talk about?

Since we're on the wedding topic, people are always shocked when I tell them I'm not having a change of clothes during the dinner. Was talking to my aunt yesterday and she was insisting that I had to have a change of clothes since everyone has one, but seriously what's the point? I mean if you signed up for a bridal studio and its included, its a bit dumb not to use it but since I didn't why go to the trouble of making one? I find it troublesome to go up to change and come down again. Anyway aunt was pretty nice to me, we went jewellery shopping as she wanted to get me something for my wedding. We started out looking at diamond pendants, in the end we bought a gold necklace instead which is really quite pretty. I do think I look better with gold too since I'm quite tanned, so I'm pretty pleased with the purchase. We also got the matching bracelet which I paid for myself! $500 over, I am so broke this month... No pics cos I'm a lazy gal.

Yet another videographer to meet today, Andrew of Moomedia fame, wonder if he's any good. After that, it's either Shrek 3 or Zodiac, no more 28 Days later, sigh...

Need to do more wedding/house related stuff tomorrow, ugh.. Set up account at Tanjong Pagar Town Council for conservancy charges, massage, temple to check some wedding related stuff etc. Oh and SO is supposed to come over and ask my dad for my hand in marriage, lolz.. SO thought it would be more proper for him to officially ask my dad for my hand in marriage though I've already said yes and the date has already been chosen, hehe... I thought it was so cute. I asked mum to confirm with dad if it was needed and my blur father asked my mum if I had already agreed, duh...

Not much work related stuff to do today too. IT was so funny, he sms-ed me to ask if I was coming to work and then he asked me to go for a client meeting with him but I was super not dressed for that. So he's going alone, hehe...

Not much people around too, hehe... and we didn't get the tenders, yeah!! Haha...

videography, wedding, work

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