it is i, justine! i have a new journal; not just a rename but a brand new journal. i had this early adopter account and finally decided to rename it when i found that here was available which only took more than a few years to do! haha. i'm slowly returning by joining all pixel communities so hopefully i'm a member again even when things are much more slower these days. my laptop died (currently using my boyfriend's) and that had all of my creations as well as tubes, pixels, icons and the likes. i still have to check if i made back-ups to my external hard-drive. lol. aaaaaaaanyway, enough babbling from me... it's good to be somewhat back. thank you all for still being here and please let me know who's still around... maker or not. let's make 2017 like it was in 2011!
adorablexi @
precious little pixels.