[edit 8:46 am 15 July, 2005] Squib vote recieved, application slightly altered.
Name: Erin. Just Erin. No more, no less.
Age (13 or up; we stick to LJ rules): 19, and not turning 20 anytime soon if I can help it.
Location: Either St. Cloud, FL or Lakeland, FL depending on the time of the year. Right now, St. Cloud. Near Disney [and all the other touristy places] and loving it. ^_^
Where did you hear about this community? (Please tell us which
lj user recommended you for he/she shall be given a point.) Well, I wasn't recommended on my own journal, but I saw
frodolives33 inviting
bsbnelijah_fan and I just kinda couldn't stop my nosey nature. :]
How much time are you willing to invest in this community? A ton, knowing me. I'm a big HP fanatic and am online a fair ammount of time, usually looking for things to get into. The way this community is set up is great and I'm quite prideful of groups I become a part of. :]
PART 1 - Canon
1. Have you read all the books? Multiple times. Well, minus Half-Blood Prince, of course. But you can bet I'll have read that one by the 19th or 20th [especially since I'll be on a 4 day roadtrip starting the 21st!] My favorite is Prisoner of Azkaban, by far. That and the Snape's Worst Memory chapter in Order; love Snape's character.
2. Give us your personal interpretation of each Hogwarts house (in
terms of atmosphere, mentality, intra-house relationships et cetera -
these are just a few examples). I think that Ravenclaws are the most introverted house as a whole. To each other, they're nothing of the sort, but in relation to the remainder of the student body, they keep to themselves. This puts them in a position that makes it hard to interpret whether or not they're friendly or not, which interests me because you really can never tell which side they're on. They're incredibly brilliant and seem to hold that above everyone's heads, making them a tad arrogant, but not in a bad way.
I always view the Hufflepuffs as the group of people in an environment [work, school, etc] that you know you can always vent to when there's something wrong but you can't always trust them not to tell the other person // group because they're on everyone's good side. They try to be civil people to everyone. This doesn't necessarily make them great friends outside of their own cliques [which I believe every house has, though some more than others], but it also makes them very few enemies.
The Slytherin house seems to be one that is very proud of everything they have: blood, family, house, money, friends, etc. But most importantly they're proud of themselves and where they've managed to put themselves. Sure, they're rude to other houses within the system, but it's all because they're looking to make themselves the best at everything. In short: full of pride and willing to do what they must -- be it against rules and morals or not -- to achieve their ultimate goal of being the best.
Gryffindors seem to fill in all the gaps. They aren't quite as self-driven as the Slytherin; they aren't nearly as neutral as the Hufflepuffs; they're much more sociable than the Ravenclaw. Stereotypically, people see the Hufflepuff house as the one to throw all the people without real defining characteristics into, but I think it's Gryffindor. Granted, they're all brave and supposedly loyal, and those can be fantastic qualities in a person, when combined with other things. But unless planning to do field work or something dangerous, neither quality on its own is going to be terribly helpful in life.
3. What would be your favourite flavour of Bertie Bott’s Every
Flavour Beans and why (note: as the name implies, all possible flavours
exist)? Well, I've had the misfortune of trying some of them, and I'd have to say that the dirt one wasn't nearly as bad as you may imagine, and I even quite enjoyed it. 'Course, the grass one made me throw up a bit...
4. If you were on your House’s Quidditch Team, which position would
you preferably play and why? Hmm... probably Keeper because I was a goalie when I played soccer and was always happy with the position. I like knowing that I am the one that has the last say in the other team scoring or not. Pretty close to being in charge of the game, just can't end it like the Seeker.
5. (Optional) What HP conspiracy theory do you hold true unless it
is textually proven otherwise? (i.e. Snape is a vampire, Ron is
Dumbledore, etc. -there are loads of these theories. Feel free to contribute your own)? Well, I've always been a fan of the generation before Harry and the gang and think that something had to have happened between Snape and Lily to have made James and co. hate him with such a passion. This "something" isn't necessarily a romantic relationship or anything, but perhaps just them helping each other out once in the beginning, but I believe something had to have happened between the two of them. But, other than that... I like to think Remus // Sirius are definitely into each other. :]
6. (Optional. If you can't answer #5, make sure you answer this
one.) What is your favorite book aside from HP and why? I love House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende. It's a great story about family, pride, love, and [of course] the supernatural. 'Tis amazing in English, but even better in Spanish.
7. What would your Room of Requirement look like? Apart from it looking exactly like Hagrid's hut, it would be rather simple because I would use it more to get away from the world than anything else. It would be full of bright colors like orange, yellow, lime green, etc because I love loud colors. There'd have to be a big, squishy seat of some sort [probably a beanbag chair] and some music. Lots and lots of music. I have a very extensive CD collection and wouldn't trade the world for it because it's so important to me. Maybe a skylight and always lots of rainy days and good books or my scrapbook to keep me busy. The floor would be tiled and have lots of shaggy rugs on it.
8. Describe your wand and tell us why you picked that design. The wand would be made of Cedar because I like the color, texture, and smell of Cedar. It would be 7.5" long because I'm short and it should be too, and I like uneven amounts -- hence the half inch. The core would be unicorn tail because I would want my wand and my strength to live on, even after I was expired and I think that by using a unicorn tail core this would be possible, since the blood makes a human live forever.
PART 2 - You
Please go
here and fill out the short Myers-Briggs test.
9. Paste the URL of your results (TOP 5) including its description
Your #1 Match: ENTJ
The Executive
You are a natural leader - with confidence and strength that inspires others.
Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise.
Sometimes you aren't the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow.
You are not easily intimidated - and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence.
You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant.
Your #2 Match: ENTP
The Visionary
You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.
You would make a great entrpreneur, marketing executive, or actor.
Your #3 Match: ESTJ
The Guardian
You're a natural leader and quick, logical decision maker.
Goals are important in your life, and you take many steps to acheive them.
You enjoy interacting with others, mostly through work related activities.
Your high energy level means you are great at getting things done!
You would make a great teacher, judge, or police detective.
Your #4 Match: ESTP
The Doer
You are adventurous and risk taking. You act first, think second.
You love being the center of attention. Chances are you were the class clown.
Competitive, charming, and charasmatic - you have your own code of honor.
You live a flexible life, bouncing between a series of activies that interest you.
You would make a great salesperson, marketing director, or entrepreneur.
Your #5 Match: ENFJ
The Giver
You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.
What's Your Personality Type? 10. Who is your role model and why? AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys. As dumb as that may sound to you guys, he's one of the most determined people I've ever had the pleasure to speak with. Ever since he was young he tried and tried to get into the entertainment business and he didn't stop until he succeeded. His determination and dedication to achieving his goals has always amazed me. Also, in his semi-recent battle with drugs and alcohol, he never gave up and did what he needed to to get his life back on track. I totally respect what he has done with his life and the path he has taken to get there.
11. What would you like to have accomplished at the end of your
life? I would like to have made an impact on at least one persons' life. I'm studying to become a high school biology teacher in school right now because of how influential my high school biology teacher was. He made me appreciate what biology really is and how important teachers can be in a student's life. If I can do that for one student in my entire career, I will be happy.
12. Would you sooner commit a crime against your kin or your
countrymen? Countrymen, no doubt. Family is family, like it or not. You always have to put up with them and how they feel about you, but you can leave the country if needbe.
13. What would your animagus be and why? My animagus would be a black panther. They're beautiful creatures. They have amazing speed and stealth, which is always important in almost any situation. I respect where they are in the animal world and would love to be as respected as they are within their own world.
14. What would your patronus be and why? My patronus would probably be a dog, specifically a shar-pei. Since a patronus' purpose is to fight of pure fear, I would want the symbol protecting me to be one that I can recognize as a protector. I have a Shar-Pei right now and he means the world to me. He's always around whenever something is bothering me. He even hid in the bathtub and let me hug him for three hours [he's afraid of going into the bathroom for some reason] when we were home alone a few summers ago and a tornado touched the ground in our backyard. I don't think he would ever let anything hurt me, if he could help it and I wouldn't expect anything less from my patronus.
15. What career would you consider if you were indeed part of the
wizarding world and why? I would be a teacher, no questions asked. I feel like teaching is one of the most underappreciated, but incredibly important professions ever -- in the muggle world and wizarding world alike. Without teachers, where would the future generations be?
[edit 8:46 am 15 July, 2005] Squib vote recieved, application slightly altered.