There are just 26 1/2 hours left till the bidding closes for Fandomopoly, and we've got an exciting bonus for all entrants.
Now for every $50 you donate toward a property bid, your group will also receive:
- A sponsorship of a formal programing event, and
- A Fandomopoly game card of your design
That means, if your group donates $100 toward a property on Fandomopoly, you will also receive sponsorship of two formal programing events (of your choice) and two Fandomopoly game cards.
If your group is planning on participating, be sure to email your bid amount to before midnight tomorrow (Saturday).
And now for our current standings, starting with the Boardwalk spot:
Hogwarts Common Room $220
eMentors $115
HPFilks $100
Trust Snape $76
HP Orange County $50
Harry/Hermione Shippers United $30
Harry/Ginny Shippers United $20
Harry/Draco Shippers United $10
and FictionAlley $1000 for the Free Parking spot
We've still got quite a few property spots left, so even if your group can't afford the $50 bid to receive the bonus options, you still have an excellent opportunity to grab a spot on the board!
Once again, the links to know are:
Fandomopoly Web Site Fandomopoly SynopsisQuick links to donate to your shipemail