Aug 20, 2010 23:16
"Me, a princess?"
"You're the legal heir."
"I never lead anyone."
"We will help you to be a princess, to rule. If you refuse to accept the throne, then the kingdom will cease to exist as we know it."
- The Princess Diaries
We don't have to be the ones portrayed as the damsels in distress. Yes, the men should go slay dragons for us, and we (usually) enjoy being fought for and courageously protected. Nonetheless, don't belittle the fierceness you have in your heart. To quote Christopher Robin: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think (: I've been rather inspired by Winnie the Pooh these days, amongst others.
So a crazy weekend lies ahead, along with my last week of unadulterated Freedom with a capital "F". As much as I've been whining about my total boredom, I will miss these days where I can sleep late, and wake up even later heh heh heh. That's why I've been treasuring all the quality bonding time with my bed aha I'm not a pig, repeat after me: I'm not a pig. Enough said. I'll remember what I can look forward to yeeaahh. Thanks for the reminder. That's what friends are for huh. I'll leave you with some goodness from Pooh and friends.
Just because an animal is large, it doesn't mean he doesn't want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo.
-- Roo, Pooh's Little Instruction Book