Ongoing Protests: #OccupyWallStreet

Sep 19, 2011 20:47

We Have Awakened:
This statement is ours, and for anyone who will get behind it. Representing ourselves, we bring this call for revolution.

We want freedom for all, without regards for identity, because we are all people, and because no other reason should be needed. However, this freedom has been largely taken from the people, and slowly made to trickle down, whenever we get angry.

Money, it has been said, has taken over politics. In truth, we say, money has always been part of the capitalist political system. A system based on the existence of have and have nots, where inequality is inherent to the system, will inevitably lead to a situation where the haves find a way to rule, whether by the sword or by the dollar.

We agree that we need to see election reform. However, the election reform proposed ignores the causes which allowed such a system to happen. Some will readily blame the federal reserve, but the political system has been beholden to political machinations of the wealthy well before its founding.

We need to address the core facts: these corporations, even if they were unable to compete in the electoral arena, would still remain control of society. They would retain economic control, which would allow them to retain political control. Term limits would, again, not solve this, as many in the political class already leave politics to find themselves as part of the corporate elites.

We need to retake the freedom that has been stolen from the people, altogether.

1.If you agree that freedom is the right to communicate, to live, to be, to go, to love, to do what you will without the impositions of others, then you might be one of us.

2. If you agree that a person is entitled to the sweat of their brows, that being talented at management should not entitle others to act like overseers and overlords, that all workers should have the right to engage in decisions, democratically, then you might be one of us.

3. If you agree that freedom for some is not the same as freedom for all, and that freedom for all is the only true freedom, then you might be one of us.

4. If you agree that power is not right, that life trumps property, then you might be one of us.

5. If you agree that state and corporation are merely two sides of the same oppressive power structure, if you realize how media distorts things to preserve it, how it pits the people against the people to remain in power, then you might be one of us.

"There is not just anger. There is also a sense that the standard solutions to the economic crisis proposed by our politicians and mainstream economists - stimulus, cuts, debt, low interest rates, encouraging consumption - are false options that will not work. Deeper changes are needed... Then there is the long-term mother of all solutions: a total rethinking of western consumerism that throws into question how we measure progress."

The Call to Occupy Wall Street Resonates Around the World.

Protests continue, with at least six arrested

A Real Wall Street Takeover Threat

October protests to be held in DC:

The Issues:
1. Corporatism- firmly establish that money is not speech, corporations are not people, only people have Constitutional rights, end corporate influence over the political process, protect people and the environment from damage by corporations.

2. Wars and Militarism - end wars and occupations, end private for-profit military contractors, reduce the national security state and end the weapons export industry. War crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace must be addressed and those responsible held accountable under international law.

3. Human Rights - end exploitation of people in the US and abroad, end discrimination in all forms, equal civil rights and due process for all people.

4. Worker Rights and jobs - all working-age people have the right to safe, just, non-discriminatory and dignified working conditions, a sustainable living wage, paid leave and economic protection.

5. Government - all processes of the three branchesof government should be accountable to international law, transparent and follow the rule of law, people have the right to participate in decisions which affect them.

6. Elections - all citizens 18 and older have theright to vote without barriers, all candidates have the right to beheard and to run and all votes should be counted.

7. Criminal justice and prisons -end private for-profit prisons, adopt evidence-based drug policy, prisoners have theright to humane and just conditions with a focus on rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

8. Healthcare - create a national, universal and publicly financed comprehensive health system.

9. Education - all people have the right to a highquality, publicly-funded and broad education from pre-school through vocational training or university.

10. Housing - all people have the right to affordable and safe housing.

11. Environment - adopt policies which effectively create a carbon-free energy economy.

12. Finance and the economy - end policies which foster a wealth divide and move to a localized and democratic financial system, reform taxes so that they are progressive and provide goods, monetary gain and services for the people.

13. Media - airwaves and the internet are public goods, require that media be honest, accurate and accountable to the people.

14. Food and water - create systems that protect the land and water, create local and sustainable food networks and practices.

15. Transportation - provide affordable, clean and convenient public transportation and safe spaces for pedestrian and non-automobile travel.

society, future, reasons, agendas, global consciousness, usa, world, evolution, politics, awakening, news, websites, big pharma

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