(no subject)

Dec 23, 2007 12:14

Last week sometime a friend of mine called to invite me out for the following weekend. I was super excited at the prospect because she's one of those people I love spending time with but don't get to very often because of different schedules.
We were hanging out with a couple other mutual friends as well, basically a "ladies night out". Although it can never truly be that way, can it? We all used to be single and now everyone has a man, and none of them can go a night without talking to them. ;^)
But it was relaxing. They picked me up at work and we grabbed some chinese take-out (I had some incredible sushi and finally got to try green tea icecream. Not sure how I feel about it yet. It needs something.) Then we ate and talked and laughed about stupid stuff for about an hour before changing into our swimsuits and heading downstairs.

A short dissertation on swimwear... I think it is a socially interesting concept. It is generally unacceptable to show your undergarments in public, and yet swimwear covers sometimes less skin and we walk around in public like that. I wear a t-shirt over mine for practical reasons, being fair-skinned and all.
Afterward we went to the sauna to dry off. By then I just wanted to jump in the snow and cool off but as we were leaving this group of little girls started chatting with us and they were so sweet we didn't want to leave. They kept asking us questions like our names and how old we were and what nationality Becky was and that we were so beautiful and they liked our hair and on and on. Little girls aren't always the most considerate people so it was kind of cool to meet these young ladies. One of them said to me, out of nowhere, "If people say you're fat, they're wrong, because you're not." I just wanted to laugh.. kids say crazy stuff. You had to love her.

When we got back to our room I totally crashed. Probably all the heat from the hot tub and sauna and just being relaxed after a long day at work. I felt bad for falling asleep and probably missed out on some good conversation but the beds were sooooo comfortable. And I was sooooo tired. I slept good.

Little story about yesterday... My breaks are really sporadic sometimes. They've forgotten before, but yesterday they thought they had sent me and they never did. Basically we get breaks every two hours. I came back from my lunch break at 2:20 and so I should have had another break around 4:20 or so but at 5:00 they still hadn't sent me so I called my manager over because I only had an hour left of my shift for the day. He said he hadn't forgotten me and they were sending me on break soon. So about 45 minutes later I called him over again and said, "Um... sorry to bug you again but if I go on a break now when I come back I'll only have 15 minutes left of my shift.. sooo.." So he told me to go on break. When I came back I apologized to him even though I knew there was nothing I could have done differently and he said, "Well, next time you should tell me sooner." And I thought to myself, "...I told you 45 minutes earlier!"
Apparently they had me down as going on break at 3:45, but I'm not sure why because no one ever came and relieved me.

Anyway.. end rant. It was totally fine, just funny how crazy it gets in there during the holidays.

Bleh! I'm hungry.
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