Dice on the Table: Stone Cold

Oct 15, 2010 23:50

This episode presented some unique challenges. First, it was the first time I shot someone else's script. This created a weird pressure because I didn't want any of my technical inexperience to make it less than it could be. Second, this was the first episode that got into game mechanics and made me realize something - game mechanics are boring to watch. From now on... only 2 die rolls per episode. Third, I ended up shooting this script three times and rewriting it twice. The second rewrite was after I got this hair brained idea to include a hint regarding the Three(?)-part Halloween Saga.

You'll see I really stretched for this one... multiple scenes, even a montage - a really lame montage. I need to find better ways of dealing with non-vital events and demonstrate the passage of time.

I also discovered a way to do the comp shots better, by recording the full dialog into my netbook and using it as the 'other actor'. What I didn't realize is how well it worked for the phone call. I had recorded a whole separate section of Sam's side of the conversation but on the playback the laptop sounded tinny enough to sound like it was the phone.

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