I don't get it...

Feb 21, 2006 14:21

I have found in life that there are generally two types of people - those who follow the rules and those who don't. I know it is not an absolute...I mean the rule-follower runs the occasional stop sign and the rule-breaker doesn't break every rule every time. But in general I find that the you tend to live one way or the other not in-between.

And then there is my least favorite group of all. The select few individuals who think that the rules should apply to everyone....just not to them. There is employee I work with in the office who manipulates her supervisor into manipulating her time card so she can get paid for time she did not work. It kills me. No one else tries to do it. If you worked 7 1/2 hours in a day and you are an hourly employee, then you should be paid for 7 1/2 hours not 8, right? Everyone seems to be okay with this concept, that is except HER. For one year she has successfully managed to manipulate her supervisor, two Vice-Presidents, and the owner into paying her for time she was not here. (She leaves early almost every day.) She has used every trick in the book. And everytime I bring up the inconsistencies the powers that be say it is the "last time, the last exception". Then she tweaks the system in order to do it all over again the next paycheck.

She is slowly running out of options. More and more of her ways of making up time for leaving early have been vetoed and are no longer accepted. There is a new President of our company who is looking like a rule-follower and is forcing her into one against her will.
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