Aw shit! Kyo say knock you out! I'mma bout to show you what it's all about!

Jan 06, 2010 15:20

Original Character Meme

~ If you don't have at least 8 OCs I wouldn't recommend this meme
~ Add on questions to this meme! It will make it bigger!
~ Enjoy!

1) First list all your OCs by first name so we can see your list of all your wonderful OCs:

1. Kojiro D'Rude
2. Kylie D'Rude (On the left. Together, they're the D'Rude twins.)
3. Midori Greenfield
4. Evie
5. Pecan Apple/Banzai Pecan
6. Conjurer Meyj
7. Kyosuke Nishikawa
8. Alexis Roberta Miles (Hates her full name, so she prefers "Arm" for short.)
9. Flan (Pecan's best friend.)

2) Who is your favorite OC?
Whew, that's a hard question, that's like asking 'who is your favorite child'. But, if I had to pick...? The D'Rude Twins, specifically Kojiro. Bits and pieces of my childhood and high school life are reflected unto the two, whilst a close tie for second would be Pecan, mostly because she's the right mix of sassy, gold-hearted, and cluster-minded... and Meyj; she's quite the adventuress, and has alot of personalities that young Goku inspired.

3) Who is your least favorite?
Ugh, man, again, I can't answer this too well. Since the character is recent and I haven't created an entire history for her yet, Arm.

4) Who is your most developed?
Man, Koji, Kylie, Evie and Pecan (who is quite fresh herself.) battle for that spot, even though I like Midori alot, not much is really known on her past, and she seems to have ALOT of side jobs. At least with Koji and Kylie, they're past is pretty much straight forward, whilst Evie's, as developed as it is, her backstory is just one giant tragic clusterfuck.

5) Which OC would you want to date if they magically came to life?
Pecan in a heartbeat. She's relatively based off of every 70s/80s anime chick I grew up with, and she's got a 'bossy-but-lovable' personality to her. Plus, if someone tried to fuck with our relationship, she'd go 'Justice' on their asses.

6) How many girl OCs do you have? Boy OCs? It OCs?
"Banzai Pecan" alone has ALOT of women. I can, oddly, say the same for "Highimpact Fandango" as their are alot of dudes. As for it characters.... does Ash Bunny count?

7) If you were stuck in a burning building what do you think the third OC on your list would do?
Midori? FFFFUCK. Then I'm dead. She'd cry, bitch, and get all hysterical. I'm beginning to like her a little less.

8) Name one thing you regret about one of your OCs.
Pushing Meyj aside to develop Pecan more? Sorry, but we REALLY wanted to work on a beat-em-up. Also, that and Koji, Kylie and Kyo seem to have ALOT. Of jackass friends.

9) Which of your OCs do you think would make the best father/mother/it parent out of all your OCs and why?
Out of everyone on that list? Kyosuke is the only responsible one on there, and he'd make an excellent father. Pecan would come in a close second, mostly because of her "caring instinct" she shows around her pet cat.

10) Which of your OCs do you think will most likely be put in jail?
More like "Who WOULDN'T". Let's go down the list -

A. Koji - filled with justice, but comes off hot-headed. Doesn't know when to shut up.
B. Kylie - not only a smartass, but carries guns, and just as hot-headed as her bro.
C. Midori - she steals... alot.
D. Evie - she's a walking weapon pretty much, hell, the order in her "universe" is to "kill her on sight."
E. Pecan - she has a reputation of being a hero, so the least she'd get away with is a fine for destroying vending machines. Plus, there's little laws in the pre-post-apocalyptic future.
F. Meyj - she's so innocent, she'd be the type to bitch at you if you stepped on a flower she was looking at. Meyj gets cookies, not jail time.
G. Kyosuke - shit, he'd be in jail just for being friends with Koji and Kylie.
H. Arm - like Koji, she's a bit of a punk with a kind heart. Not really hot-headed, but VERY snide. Her mouth, plus lack of permanent shelter, could get her some jail time if need be.
I. Flan - she's too into her anime and videogames to commit a crime (Unless she openly admits to illegally downloading game ISOs.... which then, she has over 600 gigs worth.).

11) The eighth of your OCs was put into the future! What will their job be?!?
Arm? Knowing her, a wandering merchant, making do with what she can to donate that money to charities anonymously.

12) Name the first OCs catch phrase!
It either ALWAYS involves kicking someone's ass or a threat. ("Time to kick THAT ASS OF YOURS!", "I'm gonna get you, bitch!") or pointing out the irony of a situation. (The most common one: "Well, THAT was unexpected....")

13) Do all your OCs live together or are they separated?
Well, now that depends -

- Koji, Kylie, and Kyo live with each other.
- Evie lives with her 'not-boyfriend'.
- Meyj is a nomad normally, and doesn't necessarily have a home.
- Arm is also a nomad, and mooch off of people.
- Pecan lives with her cat, whereas her best friend Flan lives a few apartments apart from her.}
- Midori lives off her friend Kuroh, who has a job unlike Midori.

14) Are there any pairings that are in your OC list? (they can't be with someone else's)
Shit, just not enough different characters on here! Time for me to ramble on -

A. Koji usually runs into alot of females who either bug the hell out of him, or actually understand him. In either case, Makoto and Arm are possible pairings, though the latter would be someone he was interested in if he actually dated. He thinks they're BOTH annoying.

B. Kylie, hahahaha... she doesn't believe in love at all, especially for the ever so loyal Remy Vicious. However, maybe that one guy will tame this wildcat.

C. Midori is bisexual and usually dates around, however, it is noted that she is reluctantly involved with Aoi Takenouchi, her childhood "friend"...

D. Evie is in love with Austin, her not-boyfriend, just an average guy who doesn't understand why crazy bad shit happens to him each day... until he realizes "Hey. That pink haired bitch is STILL alive...." He has SOME feelings for her by the end of the day though...

E. Pecan is very happy with her boyfriend Cinnamon, even though his ass gets into demon trouble all the time. According to her, "at least he's being with him is not boring."

F. Meyj never thinks of love when it comes to her. She "loves" everyone, but "love-love"? She's oblivious to Kol's advances, despite him carrying himself as a "badass". (note: Kol is one of her childhood friends.)

G. Kyosuke is happily taken by his girlfriend he met while on his solo training session away from home.

H. As stated with Koji, Arm teases Koji like a sister-brother relationship, although enigmatically hints that she possibly had developed feelings for the wild catboy.

I. Flan isn't involved with anyone, as not many guys are left alive in her and Pecan's time. What's more, she feels a bit awkward being around when Pecan and Cinnamon show some PDA. That, and she's more 'committed' to her fandoms than actual men.

15) Your seventh OC switched bodies with you for a day! How will they react at the end of the day?
Kyosuke: "Holy shit, I'm black! Also, why do I crave zesty nachos all of a sudden.....?"

16) Your last OC just became a fifteen year old. What do they do?
Flan would run home from school just to catch the new episode of "Savior Jun" on the "Anime Afternoon Rad Block" on Channel Rad.

17) Now randomly select a person on your OC list. Who was it?
Kojiro. I am Kojiro and Kojiro is I. So naturally he came first.

18) That OC you just chose? Yeah they think they are superman (even if they are a girl) and are on the roof about to jump off.
Well, I'm so fucking glad he's got the instincts of a cat, because shit like that? Usually A DUMBASS IDEA. He'd do it, his facial expression being that of a "cat-like Wobbafett" (Think Konata) as he screams out "WAKA WAKA WAKA! I'm the king of Dig Dug!"

Kojiro is dumb like that, you see.

19) Are any of your OCs bored of this meme?
Kylie would've just walked out the second I said "Hey, we're doing a meme and - "

20) Would your second OC prefer the beach or the mountains?
Beach. Kylie says it's the best place to show off her rocking bod.

21) Would your 5th OC battle a shark?
PSHHH. Pecan would uppercut the shark into the stratosphere. PLEASE.

Now a shark piloted by a Hunny Bunny with Mistress Mocha at the helm? That COULD be a bit challenging.

22) Which OCs hate each other?
While it's not hate, Koji and Kylie bicker.... ALOT.

23) Which OC did you create first? And last?
Evie. Came up with her back when I just graduated high school during my 'psycho' period. Arm is the newer character.

O hai I'm question 24 and I'mma let you finish, but question 23 was one of the best questions OFALLTIME. (Kojiro: Well, THAT SHIT was unexpected...)

25) And if those two were fighting, who would win?
....HUH? I'm assuming we're talking about 23?

It's a toss up. Evie relies on her blood in order for it to become bullets and weapons, whilst Arm's, eh, arms when exposed for a long while charge up artificial electricity. It's pretty damn potent, but the draw back is it hurts her own body after the first 40 seconds. If Evie loses blood at a rapid rate, she's fucked.

26) Are your OCs fat or skinny?
Flan has some meat to her bones, but that's not really a bad thing.

27) What are your first 2 OC's favorite foods?
Even though the both of them aren't picky eaters, Kojiro is crazy for strawberry-filled danishes and udon. And Kylie? She's a steak woman all the way.

28) If your listed OCs were in a fight to the death, who would emerge victorious?
Whoa...TO THE DEATH? Like Thunderdome?

Fuck. Pecan and Meyj would both end the universe if they ever got serious. Most the characters on here don't really believe its their right to take others' lives, but if it's to the death, Pecan has a "beat or get beaten" attitude when her life is on the line.

But if death wasn't involved? I ultimately see between Kojiro or Kyosuke and Pecan going at it, I think it'd be the world's greatest Pummel Contest.

Poor Flan; she can't fight.

29) There's a zombie attack and your OCs are stranded. Who do they elect to be their leader?
Ultimately? They'd throw Evie into the gauntlet. I say this because A. human weapon and B. just for the sake of seeing her panic out of fucking nowhere.

That and Koji, Kylie and Kyo would have just simply stated: "Screw. That." followed by Kojiro: "Good luck! Kick some ass!"

30) During said zombie attack, who's the first to die?
It's sad to say, but Flan, definitely. Upon her death, something inside Pecan breaks and she goes fucking ballistic. Hell hath no fury like a woman psychotically driven to the edge of madness.

31) Which one of these OCs do you think would have the most fangirls/boys?
Kojiro is pretty popular with the ladies, I noticed, slowly beating out Midori. Ultimately, Pecan should do well on both aspects:

Women get a badass superwoman who takes charge.
Men will go nuts for her.... um. Assets.

32) Okay, so does OC number four have any last thoughts?
Evie: Iiiiii want waaaffles! Dun-da-dun-da-dun-da-dun-dun! Iiiiii want waaaffles!

33) If possible, what's your characters' height?
More rambling:

A. Koji - 5'6
B. Kylie - 5'6
C. Midori - 5'5
D. Evie - 5'0
E. Pecan - 5'10
F. Meyj - 4'8
G. Kyosuke - 5'11
H. Arm - 5'5
I. Flan - 5'9

As far as I know.

34) Can your characters dance?
Koji - He's a straight up B-boy.
Kylie - She's a straight up B-girl.
Midori - She raves and club dances.
Evie - same.
Pecan - most of her dances are pulled straight from the 80s, specifically Michael Jackson.
Meyj - All of her dances she acquires upon watching someone else do it.
Kyosuke - Like Koji and Kylie, he too took a lesson from "Breakin'".
Arm - Mix of street and club.
Flan - Does the 'white girl booty dance' count?

35) If your first OC and your third OC hooked up, what would that be like?
What, Koji and Midori? Since Middy is two years older than Kojiro, she'd be rocking the cradle a bit, but I think they'd both be happy ultimately: Kojiro knows how to take care of people when need be and Midori doesn't annoy him, although I can see Kojiro getting onto her about smoking.

36) Your OCs are in a fighting game and just kicked some ass severely! What would their finishing quote be?!

Koji: "You just can't handle this! I'm MAXED to the RED ZONE, baby!"
Kylie: "The best way to describe you is the way I love my fish - SMOKED!"
Midori: "Wait, you were taking it easy on me, just because I'm a chick? Sheesh, come off it, man!"
Evie: "How'd you like that? Further proof that the Cold War is never over! REAL SOVIET DAMAGE!"
Pecan: "Whenever I'm ready to take on evil, I can't even think of using YOU as a warm-up!"
Meyj: "Yes! I won! I won! Oogh, I feel so hungry... hey, can you fix me something to eat?"
Kyosuke: "Not even one thousand Shaolin warriors will ever slow my tread."
Arm: "It's the losers' bracket for you, chump!"
Flan: "How does it feel to lose to a low-tier character? I'm joking I'm much higher than you!"
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