Astrology According to Susan Miller: A great year for Pisces

Jan 06, 2010 18:46

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Pisces Horoscope for January 2010

By Susan Miller

You are only days away from the moment Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Pisces and crown you the celestial favorite for 2010. Your year that lies ahead is unlike any you've seen lately and will have the power to transform your life into one you used to dream about. Jupiter will bring you better health, lots of opportunities to travel, even internationally, to make more money, and to rise in your career. Best of all, if single, the coming year could be your best for finding your one true love or for growing the love you have already found with your beloved.

If you are skeptical, keep in mind that Jupiter only comes by every 12 years for a full year's stay. If you do the math, you will find that we only get seven such visits in a lifetime. This news is particularly thrilling because since September 2007, of all the signs, you had some of the most difficult challenges, but now the tide will move in your favor. You will plant many new seeds in the coming year. Many influential people will come to you with ideas and offers, and it will be up to you to choose among the best. Most Pisces put a high premium on creativity, and one of the sweetest parts of this trend is that it will encourage you to show a new side to your talents that you've never had either the courage or opportunity to display - very soon you will.

This is a big month, for not only will Jupiter enter Pisces on January 17, but we will have two eclipses as well. Eclipses are the most dramatic and effective tool the universe uses to create massive change. Fortunately, both eclipses will be in signs that blend well with yours, namely Cancer and Capricorn, indicating that you should absorb the news of the eclipses more easily than most, and even be able to find ways to turn the tables to your favor. That doesn't mean that the news of the eclipse will be easy - sometimes they are quite shocking in the way they reveal their messages - but it does mean that somehow you will benefit from all that happens.

Let's go through the month and have a close look at all the month contains. January is one month that will brim with changes.

The first eclipse is due December 31 in the United States, but will arrive on January 1 in some parts of the world. This eclipse will be a lunar eclipse and that means it's a full moon, sure to be packed with emotion. All eclipses have a wide sphere of influence, extending weeks and even months into the future. The nature of any eclipse is to reveal truth, and because this eclipse falls in your fifth house of true love, a romantic relationship will likely be the focus.

As I wrote last month, the events of December 31 or January 1 plus or minus a week (or, one month to the day later), will either turn out to be the best you could ever imagine - or the worst. The truth you find could be that your sweetheart loves you far more than you could ever imagine, or just the opposite, that your partner views your relationship in the shallowest terms possible and may even have cheated on you - possibly with one of your friends. Extreme feelings like this can surface at eclipse time, so hopefully this particular one will work in your favor.

If you were born on February 28 plus or minus five days, you will be in the epicenter of this eclipse, but you will also be in a position to benefit from what you learn.

The fact that Jupiter is in your sign makes me feel that chances are, you'll be celebrating a fantastic development in your love life. I doubt very much will make you unhappy as the month opens. I will admit that Saturn will be in hard angles, so money could be a bone of contention, and you may even have to curtail some socializing due to lack of funds. That is not a big deal - most people are in the same boat these days!

Try not to argue on this eclipse, for any tiff that comes up would have long-term ramifications. Anything said or done at eclipse time has weight, now and in the future. If you have no one to love, it is very possible that you could meet someone special on this full moon, right on New Year's Eve or at New Year's Day celebrations!

Attached? You or your partner could conceive a baby in coming weeks because the lunar eclipse will brilliantly light your fifth house of pregnancy and birth. If that thought worries you, be very careful. This same eclipse could bring you a very exciting creative project, one that you "baby" with plenty of love.

Remember, an eclipse has a very long area of influence, and more eclipses are coming in Capricorn and Cancer: June 26 and July 11 this year (2010), and two more in 2011. The aim of these eclipses will be to give you a richer and more satisfying emotional life, dear Pisces. However that will happen, the eclipses will be on a mission to make that materialize.

The second eclipse, January 15, will be a new moon solar eclipse, almost always the bearer of good news. It will bring an intriguing development in regard to a friend who will go very far in showing you just how much he or she believes in you. This person is about to help you in ways you can't even imagine. You are about to see the true depths of friendship now, on a very deep scale.

This eclipse will be most helpful to those Pisces born on March 15 or within five days of this date.

Eclipses sometimes bring a twist you didn't expect, so you have to allow for that this month. While one friend may be working hard for you, another friend may announce she's moving away and staying in touch will become harder. Eclipses bring developments that almost force us to see the passage of time, and that also is what makes us feel so many emotions at the time they occur.

Still, this particular eclipse January 15 seems as sweet as sugar, for it will receive an enchanted beam of light from Uranus in Pisces. This suggests that you may get the kind of help from a friend that can only be called miraculous. You seem to be meeting many people in January and at least one or two new friendships seem to be on your horizon.

Now let's turn to your work schedule, which has been unusually demanding. Since mid-October when Mars entered your sixth house of work, you have been going at a brutal pace, and at this juncture, there seems to be no end in sight. Your heavy work schedule will keep up until Mars leaves Leo on June 7. Since this is only January, it's clear you will need to include on your agenda some regular relief periods. Start by booking a pampering hour at the spa this month.

Work will be on your mind at the full moon, January 30, when you will have a special project that will come to a grand finale. It will be one that you have been working on for many weeks or months.

Mars will orbit close to that full moon, giving you plenty of energy and drive. This planet's presence also suggests that you may take much of what you learned from this assignment and direct it toward an even bigger one before you reach early June. Your talents will be in high demand, and you will have many options that you never thought possible.

Still, if you are involved in an entrepreneurial project, be sure to get your agreement with the client in writing, for with Saturn in hard angle, you need to avoid confusion or differences of opinion about compensation later.

Let's touch on your health, too. Pisces is not one of the most robust of signs. You have the soul of an artist and your sensitivity sometimes makes you feel as though you are being bruised by life. Your sensitivity is both your asset and your liability, dear Pisces. It is indeed a beautiful quality that makes you who you are, and it explains why you have such an enormous capacity for compassion and for creativity. Your exquisite sensitivity also explains why you need time by yourself every so often, to allow you to rinse away cares of others that you so often take on.

Saturn was opposed to your Sun over the past two years, a very harsh aspect that drains health, and Mars is now in your sixth house, which is also a strenuous aspect. You may have had health issues over the past year or two, but if so, Jupiter's entry into Pisces will be a blessing. Soon you should start to feel stronger and encouraged by the direction your health is taking.

The time near January 30 will require a strenuous display of energy, however. When the project is over, have something to look forward to doing that will allow you to relax. If at this time you feel like you are coming down with a cold, rest immediately. All month, keep up all your efforts to eat right, get enough sleep and fresh air, and exercise each day. Each in their own way will help you cope well with all the work assignments and occasional stress you deal with.

Are you excited, dear Pisces? You have waited 12 years for the kind of shimmering aspects that are lining up for you now. By February you will start to see astounding, proof positive evidence that you are indeed the "It" girl or guy, in the perfect position to put your talents, experience, creativity, and good nature to the best possible use. Romantic love and international travel also will be on the agenda soon. No one deserves this more than you. Later, when people point to you and say you were an overnight success, just smile. You know better. The world is about to show up at your door, dear Pisces. Be ready!


The clock is ticking down to a grand moment. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and happiness, is about to enter Pisces on January 17 for a year's stay. This will be the first time Jupiter has been in such a strong position to help you since 1998-1999. Over the past two years Saturn in Virgo tested you to the bone, but with Saturn releasing his grip and Jupiter entering Pisces, you will now enter a positive, key personal cycle that will take you forward into the next decade. You will enjoy expanded opportunities in 2010 in your career, money, health, travel, and romance sectors, and in a plethora of other areas, too. Think big! The best is yet to come!

Also in weeks ahead, two eclipses will change and enlarge your social circle. You will also be nudged find the right romantic partner and the eclipses will help you find that person. You will renew old bonds, start new friendships, and find a new person to date. In the process you will also leave unproductive or draining relationships, both platonic and romantic.

The full moon lunar eclipse of December 31 brought (or in January's first week will bring) a love relationship to fullness. As you begin the year, you may still be thinking about what you learned, and your history with this person. That eclipse was to test the strength of that romantic tie. If it's basically strong, it will became stronger, but if weak, you'll have the choice to either fix things or leave if you haven't already.

Eclipses do require an all or nothing response, the reason they create such dramatic results. The universe wants you to use your time well on Earth, not waste it on a relationship that will never shape up. Eclipses also bring an unexpected piece of news from the outside world in - adding a new element to the mix. After the information is revealed, it will change the way you view your relationship - and help you make an informed choice for the future.

If you discover your relationship is bright and strong, in January you may make plans to draw closer. You may decide to move in together, or to get engaged or married. If you discovered your alliance is weak, you may break up very soon (if you haven't already near December 31). Discussion about a pregnancy or present child is possible, too.

If you break up, don't be sad. Jupiter's move into Pisces will be a blessing, for this is considered Jupiter's best position for you to find enduring love. Jupiter will see to it that you meet substantial types in all phases of your life, and among them, one may stand out so strongly in a romantic way that you will want that person to remain with you, now and forever.

The January 15 eclipse may encourage you to enlarge your circle of friends. You may do so unexpectedly, by meeting someone in a random way with whom you have a great deal in common. Or, you may start a community online, through building or joining a social media site. Another way this may work out is that you may join a charity and do important humanitarian work.

Venus and Uranus will be in friendly angle to the Sun and new moon, so all sorts of positive surprises are in store for you and they will emanate from old and new friends. Saturn will be in hard angle to the crowd of planets in your friendship sector, so costs to socialize or to build an online community might be hefty. Just in case, watch spending. You may get special help from a friend now, or later.

The January 30 full moon will bring a work-related project to fullness, but be sure to keep yourself in good health at the time. The work schedule you have lined up could drain you - be good to yourself after the project is over.

All in all, you have a wildly exciting forecast! Pisces was perhaps the one sign that suffered most over the past two years. You had taskmaster Saturn opposed to your Sun, but now you will have a big dash of good luck, for Jupiter will conjunct your Sun - truly, a wonderful cosmic opposite! Get that champagne on ice - the celebration of your life is about to begin!

Pisces Dates to Note:

Once Jupiter enters Pisces, you will enter your golden year: January 17.

The lunar eclipse of December 31 or January 1 (depending on your time zone) will bright a romantic relationship into focus.

If you are a parent, you may have been thinking of a child or discussing a pregnancy: January 1.

A creative project will also come to a finish: January 1.

A friend will be a big focus on the solar eclipse January 15. You may leave a major friend, but you may also gain one shortly thereafter. Look back to December 15 also for information about the eclipse, as sometimes eclipses assert their news one month to the day earlier or one month to the day later (February 15). Money seems to enter the equation.

A big work-related project will reach a crescendo: January 30.

You may gain a pet the weekend of January 30-31.

You may feel pressured over a money issue January 31, due to Saturn in hard angle to Pluto.

Romance will be best: January 1 (wild card), 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19, and 23-24.

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