::Ema attempted to karate chop at a loose floorboard on the floor to the arcade. She was in the mood to investigate something, if only to get her mind off more pressing matters. The mystery of why this board was loose in the first place was a good place to start. Unfortunately, the karate chop didn't work and her arm was now
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Uh, what are you doing?
Step aside, children shouldn't interfere with science.
It probably just got that way from overuse. Does it... really need to be investigated?
[[ Hahahaha. XD;; Wrong question to ask this kid, Ema. ]]
Hm. Well, you could investigate the strange, and clearly paranormal circumstances around all of us being on this train.
Or you could look into the existence of beings on another plane of reality. Like, you know, ghosts.
::Is steadily getting more excited as he speaks::
Or you could try to figure out where Bigfoot is so he STOPS USING PEOPLE'S POWER TOOLS!
Or you could investigate aliens and try to prove that stupid, short green aliens who are stupid and bent on taking over the world EXIST!
::Takes a breath::
::Waits:: That'll make you feel right as rain!
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