Pre-game Meme

May 08, 2011 20:00

Hey everyone! We're less than a week from opening up for the second season of the game, so now seemed like the best time to start off a bit of the intros before we dive into things on Saturday. So! I bring you the:

Hello & Welcome Back Meme! )


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bit_impossible May 9 2011, 01:47:19 UTC

»Name or nickname: Jchan
»Character(s): bit_impossible (Doctor Who) and vengefulagent (Red vs Blue)

»Best way to be contacted: I am available for you guys to reach me in many ways and I try to keep an eye on them all. You can reach me through the mod email or my own, PM to my character journals or the mod one, or the mod plurk. Basically anything that you can see here. AIM is probably my least favorite method, but I'm going to try to be available in the game chat, TownOfLuministi, on Saturday and Sunday evenings/nights (EST) in case you guys had questions or just to shoot the breeze~. I THINK THAT'S EVERYTHING x.x

»Favorite day of the week: Call me weird, but I like Tuesdays for some reason.

»Fun fact about yourself: Hmmm, well, I live with six cats, and according to Mecchan, I'm a Doctorpaedia. I can rattle off random things about Doctor Who and the Doctor (though there are gaps in my knowledge, sadly). If there isn't something I don't know, you bet you ass I'm going to find it out! However. I don't look up spoilers or anything for the new episodes and such. I get enough crack-pot theories going from the trailers and the existing episodes as it is. >.>;;

»Fun fact about your character(s): Ten has Easter candy on him! Like a chocolate orange and other fun Cadbury goodness that...he's actually probably going to regret buying at some point. It was an impulse thing since he ALWAYS misses Easter-time (well, he was at the original, but still). And Wash is like the freaking Energizer Bunny. Seriously. That man keeps on going and going no matter what happens to him or how wounded he is.

»Something you'd like to see happen in the game, either to your character(s) or in general: Well, everything that I want to see happen to Ten is gonna happen pretty much off the bat, what with Jamie (with no memories other than their first encounter! *sobs*) and AU!Master coming in, but I also look forward to him seeing everyone again. And I won't lie...I want to see Wash's mind messed with at some point down the road. But in general...I can't wait to see how everyone reacts to the town this time, both the newcomers and the returnees~ Bwahaha.

»A favorite gif/picture/song:

A song that's unofficial theme for Wash:


lamb_of_gold May 9 2011, 02:00:57 UTC
I love that song so hard~~~


bit_impossible May 9 2011, 02:03:46 UTC
I do too~~ (Also, I shake my fist at you, hypnosheep v2.0!)


irreversibly May 9 2011, 03:44:08 UTC
:|a Did Ten get canon updated, or is he still avoiding the End of Time?


bit_impossible May 9 2011, 04:14:35 UTC
He got bumped, yes! Buuuuuuuuuuuuut only onto the bus at the beginning of Planet of the Dead. Or right before he gets on it. *fails at remembering own canon update, sob*

And it's more like I'm avoiding sending him through Waters of Mars and all that ;_;


bonnypiperlad May 9 2011, 03:59:25 UTC
Poor Ten. ;_;

Also, that evil laughter is scaring me. XD


bit_impossible May 9 2011, 04:16:38 UTC
It's okay ;_; At least Jamie can remember him, even if it's just a little bit *cries forever*

You know that sneaky smiley face from Plurk? That's what I'm doing right now~~


bonnypiperlad May 9 2011, 04:20:04 UTC
Well, maybe with luck there may be more memories there eventually. *whistles innocently*



vengefulagent May 9 2011, 17:43:47 UTC
Heeeeeeeeeeeee *dances!*

It's only a smiley! Just an innocent...little smiley...


bonnypiperlad May 10 2011, 04:19:16 UTC



wind_of_reason May 9 2011, 04:25:48 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeee-- I look forward to seeing what is in store for us! So very much!

(And that gif is making me giggle insanely XD)


vengefulagent May 9 2011, 17:46:33 UTC
Not going to lie, I am too~~ ♥

(I love this gif to bits! There's a regular macro of it, but really, seeing it in motion is just that much more awesome.)


wind_of_reason May 10 2011, 06:15:57 UTC
Hehehee~~ Bring it, eh. ^.~
*is counting down the days o.o* And how much do I hate that I have to work this weekend? >.>

(TOTALLY awesome! *saved it* XD)


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