❧ Putting on the Ritz - *Special event*

Jul 06, 2010 13:16

[around 1 p.m., no matter where you might be at the time, a text message and a photo attachment are sent to every CAT unit and read as follows:]

To celebrate the septicentennial of Luministi's founding, all new residents have been invited to a special dinner just for them at the newly opened treehouse restaurant known as The Chrysalis. This ( Read more... )

*plot: happy birthday luministi, #season one, !mod

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tearfulyandere July 7 2010, 04:01:43 UTC
[He's got himself a cola and a plate of nibbles of various types, and is just stood contentedly somewhere near the edge of the room, trying different things. It's fun watching people, and although there aren't many here yet, it's still fun to play at guessing what they're doing. He only really recognises one of them, but he's not that good at stepping forwards per se and it's not as if he's unhappy or uncomfortable with what's happening. He doesn't tend to go out to parties much, so he's dressed up the only way he knows how. In his military uniform. Everyone else seems so dressed up, but at least he's made an effort, so that'll have to do he supposes.]


bit_impossible July 7 2010, 09:15:40 UTC
[the Doctor approaches, smiling and looking down at Raivis] Hello there! Don't believe we've met! I'm the Doctor and you're...the one who had made all that food a little while ago East B2, right? Sorry, meant to come, but I was a bit busy.


tearfulyandere July 7 2010, 09:24:38 UTC
[He smiles cheerfully at the man and shrugs slightly to his statement.]

Is not problem ja? Was there for those that were hungry not for forcing people to attend ja?

[he chuckles slightly and looks at the man intently for a few seconds, before deciding on what to say.]

I'm Raivis, Raivis Galante... you don't really look like doctor. You look a little young...


bit_impossible July 7 2010, 15:47:28 UTC
[his smile turns a bit smug; mentally preens himself] That's the best compliment I've had all day--the looking a little young part, not the doubt about my looking like a doctor, I mean.

That accent of yours, Raivis... Would I be correct in saying you're from the Baltic region: Lithuania-Latvia-Estonia, around there?


tearfulyandere July 7 2010, 16:44:00 UTC
[reading atmospheres and faces other than Russia's and that's only because of survival, so he doesn't notice the smile get smug, he only notices the smile and smiles back happily.]

Baltic region? J.. ja... Latvia actually...

[His own smile becomes a little bit sadder as he speaks of those, it's been a long, long time since he's seen his friends, he can only hope they are all right.]

Although I live with Russia right now... or I did before I came here...


bit_impossible July 7 2010, 17:41:25 UTC
[he takes that to mean that he's from Soviet era Latvia and nods] Ahh, I see. Well! I suppose coming here must be quite the change for you, then!


tearfulyandere July 8 2010, 09:28:14 UTC
[He nods slowly.] Ja. There's so much here we don't have... the mobile windows for one thing...

[He chuckles slightly, then glances at the Doctor intently for a few moments before nodding once more]

An.. and they won't let me drink Vodka here either... Say is too young... b... but I'm not really... I umm.. I don't suppose you could help me?

[He casts the man a hopeful glance, it really has been too long since he's felt that wonderful warmth from the depths inside of him.]


bit_impossible July 9 2010, 02:29:50 UTC
...The 'mobile windows'? Oh, you mean the vidscreens? Huh, there even seems to be a small one here. You mean that, right? [points at it hanging up on the wall]

[considers Raivis for a moment before he pats him on the head] Sure you are. You're not missing much, really.


I can't believe I get to use this icon here of all places! tearfulyandere July 9 2010, 08:14:31 UTC
Umm ja... like that one.. but we carry them around as well ja?

[he shrugs slightly, it's becomming normal to him that they carry them around, but it is still strange to him, this idea that people can be shrunk and enlarged at any point in order to talk to them no matter where they are.

As the hand moves towards him, he flinches slightly, the gesture was unexpected and he doesnt' really know this man all that well, plus the height difference really does make him think of Ivan. He knows better then to run away or to cry out, but his body automatically does the only thing he knows how to, he trembles violently, the coke spilling onto the floor. The moment that happens he bites his lower lip and glances upwards quickly. Dammit, would the taller man be angry with him? Russia would have been.]

I.. I'm sorry...


bit_impossible July 9 2010, 14:27:18 UTC
[he's rather surprised by that reaction to a simple pat on the head. he doesn't even noticed the spilt drink]

No... I think I should be the one to apologise. Are you all right?


tearfulyandere July 9 2010, 17:44:19 UTC
Umm.. n.. no.. it's ok.. I really am sorry.. I.. I wasn't expecting it is all.. umm... I.. Ivan does that ja? U.. usually when he's trying to prove he's strong than me...

[His voice lowers to a murmer for a few seconds.]

Not that he needs to prove it... he already knows...

[Then goes back to normal level.]

I've lost about ten centimetres thanks to him...


bit_impossible July 9 2010, 17:55:53 UTC
[...yeah, he's incredibly confused, but chocks it up to the poor kid being bullied]

Ten centimetres? Of what, might I ask?


tearfulyandere July 9 2010, 18:41:20 UTC
Ummm.. of how tall I'm meant to be... I.. Ivan, he keeps pushing down on my head, then I don't grow so tall.. I think he just wants to keep me small you know?


bit_impossible July 10 2010, 16:39:59 UTC
[blinks then begins to chuckle to himself] Oh, that doesn't do anything! It's not physically possible. No, if you want to grow nice and tall, give up the vodka and start drinking some milk. All the minerals and nutrients you need to stimulate bone growth are right there.


wind_of_reason July 7 2010, 21:09:49 UTC
[Fuu smiles and gives Raivis a little bow as she approaches.]

Good evening!
You're looking very sharp! [The uniform looked quite militaristic, but does look very good on him.]


tearfulyandere July 8 2010, 09:32:00 UTC
[His eyes light up as he spots Fuu, she's been so helpful and friendly especially over these last few days, even if she's not a country, he's pretty sure she would be worthy of being one, far more than some of the actual countries he could think of.]

Thank you! I thought I should probably dress up.. but... these are my only dress clothes so...

]He blushes slightly, aware that he's the only one in an army uniform, but still glad he didn't just wear such casual clothing as has besides this.]


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