
Sep 06, 2011 16:44

[after hours and hours of searching for Lab #3 and Audrey, the Doctor has still had no luck whatsoever. and it's getting a bit tiresome. as are the waking, living and breathing dreams that seem to be following him in his trek through room after room, after room. for someone who is accustomed to strange events and spatial anomalies of all kinds, the Doctor has grown quite annoyed with it. as well as with the memories he keeps running into. at first, he was torn between guilt and surprise to see his old friends, but...in the end, they've just made his hearts ache that much more. he's almost grateful for the spatial anomaly since he can keep running away from them and know they can't follow.

except for one, which isn't surprising considering who it is.

by now, he's reached Lab #1 and...well, frankly he's tired of running. also, he doesn't notice his CAT has been switched on. the Doctor is currently pacing back and forth, and every now and then, the concerned yet serious face of a ginger-haired woman a hand propped on her hip can be seen.]

Enough! Enough! You can't be here right now. I know you're not here and even if you were, you wouldn't be staring at me and not saying a single thing. [runs a hand through his hair in frustration] It's very disquieting, you know that? Well, you being quiet and not interrupting me once, I mean, even though I've called you a fake, a fraud and a figment of my possibly questionably somewhat sane imagination, but really, you keep coming and going! Currently, you're stuck in the former since you keep on following me no matter where I go and it's so damn typical of you, isn't it?

[she starts walking towards him, her expression unchanging, and despite himself, he starts moving backwards to keep away from her]

And I know this isn't you. [points at her] The Donna I knew is gone and has been gone for a long time now. [his hand falls to his side] And as much as I want for her to be here now--for all of them to be here--it can't ever be. Not any more. It's not safe to be with me. Even though you're not real, you should go before anything happens to--

[his back bumps against the door leading into the oxygen farm section of the lab and he hits a button for the door to open. the moment he steps inside and takes a short breath in, however, the dream version of his friend simply vanishes mid-step]

--you. [his eyes open wide and he darts back into the main lab]

Donna? [he waves a hand where she was. he starts to look around frantically now.] Donna!

*plot: dreams don't turn to dust, #season two, [doctor who] the tenth doctor (ou)

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