❧ Hide your face so the world will never find you

Jul 21, 2011 15:07

[the celebrating townspeople don't seem to notice that anything has gone remiss once people start to crowd around and enter the curtained archways. the festivities continue on like normal, even if the proverbial clock has begun to tick for the trapped residents--but something is different about the townspeople's behaviors. they seem...more enthusiastic and jubilant than they were moments before the murderer was discovered. it's almost like they're waiting for something to happen...]

❧ Plot Supplement Details: Paper Faces on Parade **Quick-time Event** Part 2!
    Now that the murderer has been revealed, it's time to do what has been asked of you all! You have from now until the next mod post (which will be going up sometime on Sunday since I'll be travelling on Saturday) to find the two things that need to be destroyed. There was a lot of awesome discussion that went on in the last post about things, and I would suggest paying attention to the original clues that people were given. Some are red herrings for this plot, so be careful.

    Come the mod post this Sunday, I'll explain the clues and such, but you guys are doing great! And those of you who are going through the other curtains are getting something very important too! There is no wasted time with this plot, even if there is a slight penalty...

    Anyway, to sum up the instructions given here, you all have to work together to destroy two certain things. There are clues that were given during the murder plot about what these are, but not about where. There is something of a clue in the Town Features page about this, but admittedly, it is subtle if you're not sure what to look for.

    Fuu and Sophie have special pins for everyone, but there are only enough so that each person only gets one. And the pins offer complete stealth to the location (since you'll be having to go back through the roaring party that's still going on), but if you go to a location and destroy the wrong thing? Those townspeople will be on you in a flash and toss you in jail for ruining their fun.

    However, if you destroy the right two things, you'll be able to escape Luministi. How you destroy it will be up to you (but I don't recommend a stick.) The barrier preventing anyone from going up to the Mayor's House will fall and people will be able to go inside it to escape. Those who were with us last season will know the way.

    But this is a group effort! The two things aren't near each other by any means, so talk and coordinate about how you want to do things. As a player, I purposefully kept Ten and Wash from participating in the archway part of the plot (I didn't want to mislead anyone with my choices for where the boys were going), but they will be available for this part of the plot to help everyone.

    Also, the hour time limit window doesn't mean in real-time. In essence, we're going to do some timey-wimey stuff and say the hour in-game will last from now until the next mod post. (It's like 24, but not!)

    Just know that if you aren't able to accomplish this by Sunday, this window will close--but it won't stay closed forever.

    If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask me.

!mod, *plot supplement, *plot: paper faces on parade, #season two

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