
Aug 11, 2010 05:04

[when the Doctor's CAT turns on, he's making faces at himself in what appears to be a full-length mirror, and in the background are several other suits, ties--anything for the modern, well-dressed man, apparently. to his normal pinstripe suit, he's added a dark brown vest and is just adding a pearl tie pin to a blue cravat in this style. a change in fashion ideal isn't the only thing that's different. instead of his normal Estuary English accent, he's speaking a bit...differently, in what some may recognise as a standard RP accent.]

This is all terribly curious! New face, new hands--[touches his face now]--new nose and hair. But despite that, I don't remember regenerating. Perhaps a body swap...? No, no, no, with whom, though? I don't recognise this Time Lord otherwise, nor is his mind telling me anything I need to know. Not unless he's... Hmm. [makes a final face to himself, pays for his new wardrobe additions, and smiles as he heads outside.]

And never mind this town, of course! It's very...small-town New England, except that library across the square sticks out like a sore thumb! [a pause as he has a look around him, turning in a circle, the additional height somewhat advantageous] Actually, quite a lot about this town does when I really look at it. How odd...

Now I wonder where Lucie and the TARDIS have gotten to. Can't have gone far.

#season one, *plot: echoes of yesterday, [doctor who] the tenth doctor (ou)

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