Day 8 | ~ Forget ~ | Video

Aug 10, 2010 03:17

Aah... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

[Good morning, Luministi. I hope you enjoy your wake-up call of an accidental video... of a spiky-haired boy freaking out. Except he doesn't think he's a he. He shouldn't be a he. He should be a she! She should be a she with black hair and blue eyes -- Well, she still has the blue eyes. And the round face. And the boyish body isn't too terribly unfamiliar but -- but but but that's not the point!

Xion is slapping and pulling on her face and tugging on and running her fingers through her hair, staring into the nearest reflective surface, which happens to be a window hanging on the wall. From where the CAT is sitting, the view of her face is visible, and, in the corner of the screen, so is the closet. There is no hooded black coat.]

I'm dreaming I'm dreaming I'm dreaming I have to be dreaming this is a dream. I'm dreaming I'm Sora. That's what this is. It's just a very, very, very realistic dream but it's not real at all because I'm me. Not Sora. I'm me. I'm me.

[... but if this is a dream... why isn't it like any of the others with Sora in them? Why hasn't she woken up yet? Where is she? This isn't like any other world she's been to before. Or any world that Sora's been to. Or... Or anything like that.]

It... doesn't feel like a dream.

#season one, *plot: echoes of yesterday, [kingdom hearts] xion (au)

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