Dec 03, 2009 13:37
I sort of hate how this LJ is becoming an ongoing whine-account of my trials and tribulations with negotiating the whole school process... but I'm gonna go with it for now.
Perhaps when this all blows over and I'm settled, I can get back to writing perfectly inane commentary on gaming, creative crap, or whatever.
For now, though, it's a WhineJournal.
Today I got an e-mail from my stalker advisor, stating joyously that I had some 71 transfer credits, which saves me a pile of time and a little over $33,000. I was so damn happy I would have jumped out of my chair and squealed, had I not been at work. Instead, I rapid-fire a text to Mom and go meet her on my break to tell her the fab news. We're happy, discuss loan stuff, and I go back to do my daily work with a spring in my step I haven't had for about a month now.
A few hours later, I check my e-mail again for some updates on the financial aid aspect of things... and see an e-mail from the aforementioned dude. He apologizes profusely therein for accidentally misinforming me; those were just all my accumulated credits from the transcripts; they haven't yet determined how many will actually be transferable.
So much for that, eh? I resist the urge to fire off something positively brusque as a response and keep it more or less polite when I do. Maybe too nice, all things considered.
Yeah, it could be worse. Yeah, I probably should've guessed something was up because I had a rough estimation of my credits. That doesn't really assuage the massive gut-punch feeling of disappointment I'm now sitting with for the remainder of the day.
Tomorrow at work they do the job declines/offers for that position I was aiming at, and then announce them. We'll see what other disappointments lie in store there.
Good news of the day: My order for a new desk came in. Gotta go pick it up sometime. At least that's something.