Jun 27, 2006 07:44
things have been kinda hectic lately, but hectic in a good way i guess.
did some design work and actuall got paid, which was awesome.
Scott is really turning things upside down with his crazy teaching style, at least his style compared to our current instructor.
See, he doesnt tell us anything, we just sit there and read and then he gives us this exam, which is all questions. So yeah this test has no fill ins, multiple choice or true and false, which we are used to getting. Killer is we dont mind that, it's just that he wouldnt give us a format, he actually told us at one point he was going to put the multiple choice in but didnt. So yeah, he didnt even give us the format of the test, we had no idea how it would look, which is shit.
We get that back today, we're all dreading it and i know i did horrible. I've been cruising along with like a 90 odd average and i know for sure, if i can even manage to pass this course, it'll bring down my average big time.