Jul 16, 2009 01:54
Maaaang, what a FAIL that particular attempt at reviving my LJ was.
Hahahahahaha *headdesk*
The only times I really update this thing is either when I'm really freaking bored, or when I've just gotten over or am currently going through a period of emotional distress. LIKE NAO! LOLOLOLOLOLFAIL. D:
Well no, it's more like I've gotten over it now, mainly because the object of distress has proven himself to conveniently show up before I started stalking people he knew to find out what had happened to him.
Neh. I won't go into details, but on my bloody birthday, of all days, he decided to leave a rather unnerving offline message on my MSN. I can't remember what it said exactly, but it made me think he'd died. Literally. Whether by his own hand or not. *EXLPOSIVE SIGH* D8<
*FRETFRETFRETFRET* x 293812903812904891208912839!!
I mean, you know, it's not like my birthday actually means anything to me, but I thought that was a pretty fecking lousy birthday present. LOL, come to think of it, he probably didn't know it was my birthday. I keep forgetting America's like a whole day behind us. *rolls eyes*
Holy shit, I was like, spamming his MSN a million times a day and filling his inbox full of very loud emails, demanding he come back this instant so I could kick him. Hahahahahaha, of course, now that he's back, I feel like a complete freaking idiot. LOLATME. *headdesk*
ROFL, he was like, 'YOU DDONGOFACE, CALM DOWN! I'M ALIVE! D<' in a reply email, and proceeded to explain why he left that stupid message. Honestly, the stupid idiot was going to a mission trip the next day, and apparently he suffered from a strong bout of apprehension and downright fear that he'd die on this trip the night before (i.e. MY BIRTHDAY. D8<). So, he thought he'd be thoughtful and leave me a parting message before he went to his supposed death. LIEK, *SMACKYOUSTUPIDBUTTFACE*
He left me here, aaaaall the way in AUSTRALIA, feeling the biggest wave of guilt for not being there when he was that stressed out, and tonnes upon TONNES of anxiety. THANKSALOT, DOUCHEFACE. XP
Long story short, I realised just how much this giant, 6'3" mound of COOKIE meant to me. I don't like him as in, crush like, but as in.. 둘도 없는 국희 동생. GUH, WHY IS THERE NO APPROPRIATE PHRASE IN ENGLISH FOR THIS. Like.. there's only one Cookie.. and no matter who I meet, there'll never be another Cookie for me. Nyeh. That's the closest I can get it.
Hahahaha, I can't believe I was actually seriously contemplating tracking down his girlfriend's email to ask her if she knew what happened to him. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
This is probably much too heavy to be posting on the internet of all places, but SHUTFACE, I really can't be bothered picking up a pen and penning all this into my diary. I always drift off topic when I physically write diary entries anyway, coz I think too much about what I'm going to write and one thought leads to another and another, and then we're all lost in a giant web of Genie's dumb thoughts. And I needed an outlet. So LJ it is.
I'm probably going to completely hate myself for putting this all up on the net in the morning. Oh well. At least I got it off my chest.
As always though, I have to thank my Lord for keeping the pain-in-the-neck-that-is-Cookie safe. Geez. <3